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Advantages Of Hosting Online Meetings

Australia is home to the regional headquarters of some of the major corporate firms of the world, like Microsoft and Oracle. In the current economic slowdown, every Australian enterprise, whether small or big, is looking for cost-cutting ideas and technologies. Therefore, many companies prefer to host online conferences rather than boardroom meetings due to the lower costs involved with virtual meetings.

Such events can successfully eliminate the expenses associated with renting the venue or transportation while fulfilling the requirements of conventional meetings. Moreover, these save considerable travelling time, which can be used by employees in other important operations, thereby increasing overall productivity of the business. As much as 50% - 80% savings can be made by holding online events instead of face to face conferencing, and at the same time enabling companies to be more environmentally responsible..

Conferencing over the Internet entails that all participants can liaise in real-time without stepping out of their offices. Consequently, the venue shrinks to a small workstation, instead of a lavish conference hall. Therefore, professionals can connect with their remotely-located associates at any time using simple browser-based or desktop applications. This is a potent benefit in a country like Australia, where major commercial centres are located quite far apart.

A broadband Internet connection and relevant software enable organisations to host a reliable virtual conference. Since the Internet can be easily accessed any time and anywhere, comfort level of participants is enhanced. Users can review the sessions from the recordings that are provided by the vendors on clients' request. This helps in gaining valuable insight about the event for future references and gives accurate information about the participation level of group members.

Often, Australian firms need to conduct meetings across different time zones; in such cases, making use of virtual conference can be a feasible solution. In order to keep the normal working hours unaffected, companies can hold virtual meetings before or after office timings, as per the convenience of the participants.

Virtual meetings can be conducted in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. Asynchronous online conference is one in which the hosting participants post messages and queries. The system stores these messages, thus creating a forum. Later on, as other participants log on to their respective computers, they can post comments and replies in that forum. Although the session can continue for a long period, there is no need for all participants to be present all the time.

In asynchronous mode, live chat applications, high speed internet connectivity and web cam are used. All individuals participating in the virtual meeting need to be online at the same time. They can ask questions, listen, watch, make presentations and liaise with their business associates in real-time. Such conferencing sessions can be recorded and reviewed whenever required.

Another benefit of holding a virtual conference is that the company can earn valuable carbon credits by lowering its carbon emission rate, since online meetings eliminate the need of travelling. Therefore, Australian companies can enjoy multifarious benefits by opting for web-based multipoint conferencing solutions and experience immersive communication with remotely located associates.

by: Yank Dines

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