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subject: Do You Require Spider Vein Treatment? [print this page]

Do You Require Spider Vein Treatment?

Do you know why people need spider vein treatment? Even before that, you need to understand what spider veins are and what they look like. If you talk about appearance, as the name suggests, your veins will have an appearance of a spider web. They are blue in color and appear in the lower leg area. The part of the leg on which they occur is the lower area below the calf muscle. In terms of color, it is blue and shows clots.

Spider vein treatment is quite sensitive in nature. In addition to that, it worsens at a very high rate. At times it becomes unbearable within days. You can face this problem due to a number of reasons and it is more common in females. For instance, one of them is an after pregnancy effect. When a woman goes through pregnancy, she gains a lot of weight and her bones become softer. Hence, a lot of extra stress is exerted on the legs. Due to this complication, veins form a cluster and the patient requires spider vein treatment.

Another common reason is hormonal change. When the hormones of the human body change, there is a gain in weight and a lot of extra pressure is inserted on the lower leg area resulting in vein damage. Does this treatment produce the desired results? This depends on the state of the patient. If there is a large weight gain, you will need treatment for a much longer time span.

You need to take a certain treatment only if you need it. To check this factor, you need to discuss your case with a doctor. After examination, he would give a positive or negative opinion for spider vein treatment.

When you are consulting the doctor for this problem, you need to get the answers of a lot of questions for your information. Are you in favor of surgery? This is an important perspective which you need to look at. This is a painful process if you have to undergo surgery. Apart from that, you cannot perform normal movements after getting this treatment done for more than two weeks.

There are certain things which need to be done before the surgery is carried out. One of them is a comprehensive lab test. You need to get several examinations done including a detailed blood test. It is not necessary for everyone to get a surgery done. Creams and skin lotions are recommended for a lot of people.

by: Shakeel Ahmed

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