subject: Could It Be True You Can Generate Lots Of Money Using Project Payday? [print this page] Are You Able To Really Make Big Money with Project Payday?
Here is basically how Project Payday really works:
Let's make a deal. You go sign up to receive a free bottle of the newest miracle drug. It's a $49.95 value, but you'll only have to pay a $4.95 shipping charge.
Then send me your bill and I could pay you $20 for your time and effort together with a reminder you should go up and straight away cancel the automated monthly cargo you may or may not have realized you were signing up for.
Not a bad deal, right?
You pay $5 and earn a $15 profit. And the referring affiliate also earns a great return because the miracle drug company paid them a solid $40 commission to get a new sale.
Just about an everyone wins scenario. Or is it?
Is Project Payday Moral?
The above is an example of what's called incentivized marketing, and Project Payday is an online course that instructs you how to make royalties promoting cost per action offers in a similar way.
Not familiar with CPA offers?
These are usually free or terribly low-cost trial offers built to get a company's product, service or business opportunities into the hand of a new shopper in the hope of gaining extra a sales later on.
You have doubtless seen them those flashing banners all over the Net that say get an iPod for free just pay postage and packing, or get a free portable just by completing our survey. These are known in the business as incentivized freebie websites, and they are modeled on the same idea as Project Payday is.
After completing the survey or checking a number of boxes full of associate offers, you will receive your free present. In exchange you have given up something valuable, that being your personal info, and very often you will only be suitable to receive their "valuable free gift" after completing several sign-up forms for other trial offers ; some even offer incentives for recruiting friends and family to also do the same.
Naturally there may be individuals that are genuinely inquisitive about a certain service or product and of course that's a different situation perhaps they really do need a monthly supply of acne cream!
But this is an affiliate internet marketing scheme which essentially bribes you into completing an offer and then tells you can cancel it straight afterwards the company whose product it is, is getting cheated.
The referring affiliate and you both earn money you are both happyso what's bad with that? What's wrong is that the company is losing cash because they're paying commissions to what amounts to fake patrons who never had a real interest in their service. So is project payday moral, we'll leave you to choose that for yourself. I guess it depends entirely on your personal morals and ethics and fundamentally comes down to what you believe is right and what's wrong.
Unbelievably, there are folks out there who do make six figure incomes only working part time promoting these incentivized CPA offers. The difference being the way they promote those offers, with their marketing abilities they can attract people who are really interested in a product. This model works very well when it is done in a moral fashion by combining both the art and science of marketing and without cheating anyone.
by: joseph d moore
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