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Seo Vs. Pay Per Click

SEO stands for Search Engine OptimizationSEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of improving the visibility of any actively advertising business with a working website or web page onto one of the popular search engine sites such as Google Yahoo and Bing. SEO allows business owners to increase their revenue, clientele and reputation by direct placement onto what is known as the organic or (natural) section of the internet popular search engines sites mentioned earlier. This is done by collecting data and calculating the searching results using algorithms. Algorithms calculate the infinite number of views to a specific and commonly searched keyword or keyword phrase.

The main difference between SEO and Pay per Click or PPC marketing is the time it takes to reach optimization and the cost to do so. The amount of time it takes for SEO to start being effective is a few months where as, PPC only takes weeks however, with cost SEO is basically free except for the fees that your online marketing firm charges you. With PPC advertisers must bid on keywords or keyword phrases that are relevant to their market.

They pay the hosting service a fee every time the ad is clicked on. In addition too, the fees the online marketing company managing your campaign charges you, if using one are. The Cost per Click or CPC is the total sum that will be paid by advertisers to search engines or other publishers on the internet for a single click on their ads, which directs visitors to the advertiser's page. Some of the techniques or tools used in gathering data for the SEO internet marketing search process includes: video searching, local searching, academic searches, image searching and vertical searching. A vertical search is a more specific type of search engine focusing on categories of specific segments of content such as legal advice, online shopping, travel information, and media. According to a blog posted in 2009 on statistically, searchers will click on organic listings 95 percent more than the paid sponsored ads section. The main advantages SEO has over PPC is that it's more cost effective and the location is in the popularly clicked location. Also, for SEO to be most effective there are some changes that may be required to the original HTML code of a website and the site content, so that the SEO strategy can be implemented into website design and development.

by: Brock Morrison

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