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subject: Find Golfing Paradise On Thailand Golf Holidays [print this page]

In the last few decades Thailand has emerged as a golfing paradise in Southeast Asia. The beautiful Thailand golf courses are spread throughout this country and offer the opportunity to enjoy this sport, while also enjoying the escape of travel abroad. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hua Hin, and other provinces boast of international standard Thailand golf courses with a significant view of tropical forests and surrounding greenery. The most notable golf courses in Bangkok are Thai Country Club, Alpine Golf & Sports Club, Muang Kaew, and Riverdale, among others. In Phuket, many golfers will love;Blue Canyon Country Club, Red Mountain, Loch Palm some of the most famous Thailand golf courses. Chiang Mai offers the immensely popular Chiang Mai Highlands and the Summit Green Valley. A number of leading Thailand golf holidays currently offer online golf travel information to inform travelers of their facilities, services, and ongoing events.

Preparing arrangements for Thailand golf holidays all by oneself requires a lot of extra effort and patience along with a considerable budget. The little details add up and often, the first hurdle for golfers is as simple as booking their tee time. Beyond scheduling your outings, is the need for stable transportation. Some travelers have even complained of riding in a taxi with a driver that does not know where they are going. There are rumors that state some Thai taxi drivers do not like to confess when they do not know the way to a certain golf course. Getting lost can quickly become a nightmare and a costly one at that. For a better Thailand golf vacation, consider booking with an agency or provider that knows the ins and outs of this region. Trust in a reputable planner to ensure your golf holiday will be memorable for all the right reasons and not the wrong ones.

The best time for golfing requires the consideration of a number of factors, which includes the avoidance of hot weather, traffic, and the most crowded times on preferred Thailand golf courses. So, try to play early mornings on weekdays. Leaving the hotel before peak traffic hours, which often begin at 7am to save a lot of time getting to a course, but afternoons from 12pm onwards can also get very busy as locals take this time off. A professional travel planner like Golf Thailand can help you to prepare the best Thailand golf holidays possible! Visit for more information today.

by: Henry Albers

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