subject: Online Home Business: How A Mentor Can Ensure Your Success. [print this page] Get Skilled Up! When you are learning about how to become successful at something new, whether it is making money online, windsurfing or anything else, you need to learn new skills. You can't apply your skills in fishing to windsurfing but you could apply some skills learned through skateboarding. In the same way, when you are learning to make money online you can't necessarily transfer your entire current skill set from your current job into your new online business but you could apply some of your existing web and computer skills to help you get a head start. With that in mind, we need to accept that we are going to need to take the time, with an open and enquiring mind, to learn some new skills and a new body of specialist knowledge.
Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to "do the same thing again and again and expect different results". So it is when you are starting out. If you are going to be successful online you must not be hostile to the new ideas, techniques and concepts that you will be exposed to.
Are You Ready? Another old saying states that "When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive". As a newbie you must be ready to seek and accept the wisdom of those that have been there and done it before you. With that said, bear in mind that there are many charlatans out there promoting poor opportunities who just want to take your money and give nothing in return. Choose your mentors and teachers carefully. Are you ready to leave your comfort zone? The comfort zone is where you can quite happily (or miserably) carry on doing what you have always done and get the same results (good or bad) that you always got. In order to develop as a business person and a human being (I hope that you are both) then you need to push yourself to achieve more than you have before. You need to be seeking out new ideas and opportunities and be willing to fail as you learn. Don't be afraid to fail your way to success.
How To Choose The Right Mentor For You. It should be obvious by now but you may not realise that with such a lot to be learned when you enter any money-making opportunity you have to make sure that you find a great way to learn it quickly and effectively. There are many people out there offering an overnight success scheme but I would recommend that you steer clear of these alleged opportunities which are more likely to be scams than genuine opportunities. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Find an individual or a company that you can trust, who has been there and done it if you want to increase your personal chances of success.
Take A Helping Hand. Almost everyone who is successful online today had to have a helping hand from someone in the very beginning. Every mentor has a mentor. Nobody just instinctively knew the best ways to make money online when they came into the world. These things have been learned and developed over time by many people before you so don't miss out on the chance to learn the lessons of the past and implement them to ensure your future success. The internet is still relatively young and there are still an incredible number of opportunities out there on the web for people to make money.
In this article you learned about the essential attitudes that you must develop in order to be successful online and how to select a good mentor and training programme.
by: Brad Tomkins
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