subject: Bad Credit Car Loans: Easy Funds Made Available For Your Dream Car [print this page] Driving your own car with your family along side is a pleasurable experience. The fact that you own a car is something which you really feel proud. But to really own a car, you must have the funds available by your side. Moreover, if you are reeling under severe credit deficits, then availing the necessary funds from external financial resources tends to get difficult. This is where; you can opt for Bad credit car loans.
As a matter of fact, bad credit car loans UK are primarily designed to provide the finances need to purchase a car. In fact, any one having problems related to arrears, defaults; foreclosures can easily access the funds without any hassles. The amount derived can be used to purchase any car of your choice that is available with the dealer. In addition to these, you can also use the funds to get hold of a second hand car, provided it must not be more than 7 years old.
The funds under these loans are channeled by the lenders in the form of secured and unsecured option. Secured option of the loan is collateral based, where in the collateral is the car you intend to buy. On the contrary, unsecured form of the loans can be derived without the need of attaching any collateral. Usually the amount offered is up to 80-100% of the total finance required. The repayment term usually spans over a period of 5- 7 years. Moreover, the interest rate charged on the loan amount is slightly higher. Even then, you can derive suitable rates by undertaking a detailed research of the market.
While applying for the loans, the best way is considered to be using the online mode. Online application is easy and all you have to do is to compare the quotes, so that you can get access to feasible terms and conditions.
With Bad credit card loans, you can not only own your dream car, but also repair the credit score by ensuring timely repayment of the borrowed amount.
by: Christian Phelps
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