subject: Best Diet Plans Promote Safe Weight Loss [print this page] Although you may crave instant weight loss, plans where you drastically reduce the amount you eat or the amount you exercise are actually forms or beginners anorexia which can be quite dangerous to your body and your future. This is because your body is not made to shed pounds dramatically and the result of this can actually be harmful to the normal function of your organs.
Fruit and vegetables that contain a lot of water not only fill us up and help keep our body hydrated, when combined with our daily water consumption they are an excellent aid to fast weight loss. Examples of high water content fruit and vegetable include cabbage, watercress, lettuce, kale, cucumber, courgettes, spinach, broccoli, tomato, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, plums, nectarines, and berry fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
The main point you need to appreciate is that it takes regular physical exercise in order to lose weight permanently. The best way to burn calories is by performing aerobic workouts, which may be jogging, riding a bike, swimming or any other sports you like such as tennis, ping-pong or badminton. You can also attend dance or aerobic classes in the fitness center. The principal point is that in order to lose weight fast, you need to decrease your calories intake and get more exercise to enable you body to burn excess calories.
Tracking the food you're eating actually helps. You'll be aware of how much calories you are gaining. Mark on a healthy eating timetable by consuming only 1500-2000 calories daily and also eating every 3-4 hours in smaller pieces.
It will also inform your metabolism to burn muscle rather than fat which will increase your appetite to almost unbearable levels and thus causing an end to your diet. Once you go back to a regular eating routine you will find you gain weight quicker as your metabolism will still be working at a lower rate.
Dieting should not mean that you are restricting the calorie intake. This is in fact, the worst method of weight loss and might act otherwise i.e., you start gaining extra fat.
A great choice is usually to carry a packed lunch each day instead. This can save you cash and in reality doesn't require a great deal time to make in the morning. Purchase a nutritious lunch meat and low- fat cheese combination that you enjoy, or get hold of ready- to- go salad that you'll bring with you to work.
by: Charles Zoe
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