subject: Important Things To Consider For Permanent Weight Loss [print this page] If you know someone who has been making efforts to shed the pounds, get into shape, and keep it off on a permanent basis you might have heard words like: I only eat one meal a day to help me lose the pounds, or: I am scared that if I eat, I will put on weight. Unfortunately, this inaccuracy is why so many folks are fighting the battle of the bulge.
There are people across the entire world who still think that eating breakfast, or that having 3 meals each day will make them put on weight. But the truth is that as long as they are eating the right sorts of foods and combining this with exercise, then 3 normal sized meals or 6 small meals per day will actually work better with their metabolism than eating the incorrect quantities or not eating often enough.
With over half of all northern Americans past the age of twenty now being considered overweight, now more than ever we need to understand how metabolism works in relation to shedding pounds.
Why risk having a coronary, a stroke, developing cancer, or diabetes when all you have got to do is make one or two significant changes and live a good life?
First of all, the rate of metabolism for each individual person is set by the size and number of respiring cells that make up the body tissue and the power of the metabolism in these cells. These 2 factors combined are what make up the physical foundation of the quantity of energy (calories) which a body uses. Take into account that energy cannot be made or demolished, just modified.
As most of us know, potential body energy comes from the food that we eat. When talking about weight management, there are 3 elements of balanced energy, which include calorific consumption, calories stored, and calories expended. The way that it works is if the quantity of calories taken in equals the quantity of calories being expended (burned), then there is balance and the body weight is stable. This is the essential secret to achieving permanent weight loss.
From another standpoint, if the balance is lost due to more food being eaten than is burned, energy is stored as subcutaneous fat. It is really important to remember that you can be eating a diet considered to be low fat and still put on weight. The rationale is that most diet fat is stored while the body is burning carbs and proteins for energy. The difficulty is that when somebody gains weight, the increased level of fat becomes stored energy till the calorie balance is negative. For that to occur, the quantity of calories burned needs to be greater than the quantity of calories being consumed, irrespective of the macronutrient content.
Now remember that you cannot expect to experience safe weight loss if you only eat prepackaged processed food. In fact, the calories you do consume must be sensible food but what this does mean is that when you do not eat, you are actually working against your body in fighting weight gain, not the other way round. This aspect of metabolism accounts for the greatest number of calories burned each day.
If you take all these things into account you will be well on your weigh (way) to achieving permanent weight loss.
by: Sydney Strong
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