subject: How To Get Your Girlfriend Back - The Reason Why She Hesitates [print this page] Have you been working on trying to get your ex girlfriend back and you sense that she is kind of open to the idea of working things out, but it also kind of seems like she is hesitating? If so, then you probably are wondering why that is and if there is anything that you can do to kind of help push her along to getting back together with you. There can be numerous reasons why your ex girlfriend may be hesitating to come to a decision, even if there is a part of her that seems to want to work things out with you.
The way that relationships get complicated is enough to make any guy get anxious. And if you have been working on trying to win back an ex girlfriend and you feel like you are almost there and yet, it's still not happening, that can be VERY nerve racking to say the least. One of the things that I highly recommend you do, is to try and step into her shoes and see things from her perspective. That way, you can kind of get an understanding as to why she might be hesitating.
Here are a few of the most common reasons why she hesitates even if there is a part of her that wants to work things out:
1. She hesitates because she has given other guys a second chance and they blew it.
Sometimes to have to deal with the past, even when it is not your own. See, if your ex girlfriend has been in a situation where she gave a previous boyfriend a second chance and he wound up wasting that opportunity, that can leave her with a jaded outlook on things and she might be a little weary about having to go through that again. Even though it is not your fault at all, I think you can see why that may make her a little skeptical about giving you a second chance.
2. She might hesitate because she is not sure if you are really serious this time.
If you have previously made promises to her about changing or about how things will get better and you went back on those promises, then there is good reason for her to be skeptical about you doing the same thing all over again. This is something that is within your control, because you can take every opportunity to show her that you are really a man of your word and you mean it this time.
3. Your ex girlfriend may also just need more time to think things over.
It is so easy to get a little impatient when YOU know what you want. On the other hand, if she is having mixed emotions about getting back together, then all she might really need is to have some more time to think things over. You can give her this time to think, while at the same time working on things that will make her feel more and more attracted to you and eventually push her over to the side where she does want to work things out with you.
by: Chris Tyler
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