subject: How To Get The Lowest Car Insurance Rates [print this page] Getting the lowest car insurance rates is not a rocket science. If you just understood what factors affect your premium, you can do certain steps to lower what you pay for. But first, you should know what level of risk you want to take, and what level of coverage would correspond to your risk level.
Most of us want to sign up with the cheapest and the most inexpensive premium possible while getting the best protection. In an ideal world, youd get both. But since were stuck with reality, we need to look at realistic tradeoffs that we can be comfortable with.
If you want to lower the amount that you will pay, take a look at several factors you can control. When these factors are unattended and if you let them run wild, you will soon watch your insurance rates go way up the charts.
These factors include the imposition of moving violations such as beating the red light and speeding, reckless driving, incidence of DUI or DWI, traffic mishaps you caused, and having an inexperienced or underage driver covered by your policy. If you have one or more of these violations, your premiums will be higher. So, one of the ways to lower your car insurance rate is to drive carefully and avoid these traffic violations!
There are other factors at work, however, other than your driving records. If a large number of drivers filed claims from a certain insurance company, then that company will not be able to offer a lower rate. This is because, they need money to come pouring in so they could cover the number of claims pending. Interestingly, this would mean that the drivers insured by this kind of company are involved in accidents more than the average people in the country. But when you see an insurance company that has less claims, they can offer better rates. With this in mind, it would be best for you to shop around and look for the best rates in the market.
You should keep criteria in mind when looking around for the cheapest car insurance rates. Do you prefer a lower premium? Do you need a higher level of coverage? Can you forego some of the added coverage? Or will you sign up for the comprehensive cover?
Knowing what you want in the first place will save you time in researching the best auto insurance options in the market. But in the end, it is your responsibility to drive safely and avoid accumulating traffic violations.
by: Gami Castillo
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