subject: 8 Tips That Will Save You On Auto Insurance [print this page] Auto insurance is a must as almost all the State laws necessitates it. Auto insurance provides you cover for both the personal and property damages. There are hundreds of insurance companies which offer attractive auto insurance covers. Thus, it rests on your intelligence and awareness to choose the insurance company which meets out all your needs.
In todays time it is important to look out for economical automobile insurance covers. If you want to reduce your auto insurance quotes dont forget to ask discounts on the following cases, if applicable:
1.Age: If the driver is less than 25 years of age the auto insurance quotes are bound to be high as the driver lacks the needed sincerity and patience. But, if you are above 25 years of age dont forget to ask for the discounts. As most insurance companies dont lower the insurance rates and you keep paying more than you should be for years together.
2.Sex: Women drivers are entitled to great discounts on insurance quotes. This is because statistics show that women are safe drivers and less traffic and speeding tickets are issued to them in comparison to the men. So, if you are a women driver dont forget to ask for insurance discounts.
3.Type of vehicle: the insurance quotes vary with the price of the vehicle. If your car is expensive the insurance quotes are bound to be high. As speed cars and SUVs maintenance and repairs are quite high.
4.Safety features installed in your vehicle: if your vehicle has good lock and safety features then the insurance companies offer great discounts. This is because the insurance companies know that the risk of theft or vandalism are less in comparison to a vehicle which has no or less security features attached.
5.Location: If you live in the countryside dont forget to ask for the discounts on your insurance premiums. Most insurance companies offer huge discounts if you live in countryside as the traffic is less and the chances of accidents is also low.
6.Credit history: If you have good credit history it is best to ask for the auto insurance discounts. A good credit history is an indicator of commitment and honesty. Insurance companies respect this honesty and offers good discounts on insurance premiums.
7.Driving records: Clean driving records win you discounts on insurance premiums. If you have no or less speeding tickets and no accident records insurance companies happily offer you discounts on the premium.
8.Parking area: The place where you park your car also helps you save big bucks on insurance cost. To earn big discounts it is best to park your car in the garage. This is because it saves the car from potential dangers of theft and vandalism.
These 8 tips will surely help you save hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance. It is best to look out for the insurance quotes online and make a comparative analysis to find the best auto insurance deal.
by: Chaitanya patel
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