subject: Gout Treatment [print this page] Gout is a very painful form of arthritis that attacks when crystals form in your joints. It mostly affects and it tends to attack your big toe first. Some signs of gout are a painful, red, swollen and hot big toe. If you have that right now I would recommend finding a way to cure it and let me tell you, you have come to the right article. In this article I will tell you some great gout treatments and gout home remedies.
What causes gout? Gout is caused by a high uric acid count in your body. Typically high uric acid gets in your system from your diet. There are many foods that are high in purines(which is what gives your body the uric acid). Some of them are, bacon, salmon, liver, mussels, trout and turkey. If you have gout already I would recommend staying away from these foods all together if you would like to stop feeling the pain right now! There are a couple foods that are high in purines but seem to have no effect on whether or not you have a gout flare up and those are peas, beans, mushrooms, cauliflower, and spinach.
Gout can affect any joint in your body, As you have already read gout tends to attack the big toe first. One thing about gout is that it attacks when your sleeping. The reasoning behind this is that when you sleep your body temperature drops and allows the uric acid to build up in your joints. As the temperature drops and the uric acid builds up it crystallizes which in turn creates the big red swollen big toe! Just be warned that there will be no early warning of gout. It will just happen one day. People have a bigger chance of getting gout if they are a male, have drank a lot in their life time, are overweight or have been exposed to fair amount of lead.
One of the most famous gout home remedies I have found is cherries. Apparently they will help prevent you from getting gout as well as decrease the pain for having a gout flare up. As for whether or not it really works, it seems to work only for some people and some say it makes no difference. It can not hurt to give it a shot. There are a lot of other gout home remedies and gout treatments out there but you need to weed through the junk.
If you have gout and are worried about getting gout of course you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. Gout home remedies will work but its always good to consult with a doctor before you try any experimental medicine. I hope you have learned something from this article and good luck with treating your gout. I hope you will be able to find the proper gout cure for you as everyone is different and not every gout home remedy will work you or your friends, Good luck out there
by: tren9garol
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