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Egypt Nile Cruise: Make Your Dream Holiday Enjoyable

Have you ever dreamt of spending your vacation with family and children in the mystique land of the pharaoh, which is still wrapped in mystery? If you wish to, then you must visit Egypt.

Egypt in terms of history was one of Africas richest countries, as one unravels its past in times before Bible.

The cultural and biblical history is as intriguing and diverse as the undiscovered cities and tombs lying beneath the desert sands of Lower as well as Upper Egypt. The country is considered as top most destinations for tourists situated in North of Africa, and famous all over the world. One cannot find any country closer to Egypt that can boast of a large number of historical attractions, magnificent monuments and other activities as much as this country has to offer. Most of the attractions of Egypt are more or less lined up alongside the river Nile. One can easily visit many places by taking a cruise up the river Nile besides traveling by air or by road. For special packages on trip to Egypt, visit

The Nile River is known to be the longest river in the world that stretches to the north at just about 4000 miles to the Mediterranean, commencing from East Africa. Several studies have shown that the river Nile has gradually changed its size and course over the years. The Nile River flows south from the mountains to the Mediterranean in the north. There are many mysteries that surround this great river. Some are of the opinion that there are three rivers that flow into river Nile from the south including Arbara, the White Nile and Blue Nile. The Nile passes by forming igneous hard rock, cataracts, and results in a series of torrents that form the natural boundary along the south. Another mystery about river Nile is that its length throughout Egypt has weathered a deep broad gorge in the desert plateau.

May and September are the finest months for visiting this magnificent desert land and a trip to Egypt could be very informative. You can learn about its rich and ancient civilization. In order to spend a dream vacation and explore more about Egypt one can opt for the river Nile cruise and Nile cruises holidays that are definitely one of the best ways of exploring the treasures of ancient Egypt. Egypt Nile cruises with its broad entertainment, sun deck, bar and swimming pool is the finest option that one can avail to spend your leisure time along the River Nile. Up on the deck, the gentle night breeze provides relief from the scorching sun of Egypt. With Egypt cruise one can get access to this dream land and explore more of Egypt and other ancient places of which this lovely country is famous for. For more information on Nile River Cruises, Egypt Tour, Egypt Hotel and Nile Cruises, log onto

by: Sti-travel

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