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Bali  A Unique Holiday Spot

If you are on the lookout for the ultimate tropical getaway for your holiday or honeymoon, then you must consider Bali among your choices as well. Bali is one of Indonesias many islands which are blessed with natural greenery and foliage for an ultimate relaxing experience. Relaxing in a Bali Villa could be an idyllic way to spend your winter vacation. So you can opt for Bali Villa rental now!

Bali is currently ranked as the worlds best island by the Travel and Leisure and Galapagos survey statistics. It has some of the best spas and villas apart from the numerous hotels for you to spend a memorable holiday as well as enjoy a relaxing stay. Bali is home to some of the ancient temples, artwork and traditions which include unique dance forms and sculptures that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Every year Bali has numerous visitors and tourists who come to experience the beauty of nature and art blended in one. Thus, Bali also has some of the worlds best hotels and spas. The Ayana Resort and Spa has been listed in the worlds top 100 hotels according to the 2009 survey. It is originally the recreation of the former Ritz-Carlton Bali, which was a highly rated and appreciated resort and spa in Bali. Now, it has been modified and redesigned, restoring all the natural beauty and artwork of Bali in it.

Do you prefer spas and villas over hotels when you are on vacations? Bali has the best and most reputed spas and villas which provide you with the most luxurious accommodation and platter, both of which are traditional to Bali. The villas have fully air conditioned bedrooms, living rooms and dining rooms, which reflect the Balinese lifestyle. Apart from the modern amenities that are provided in every room, they are designed in the original Balinese way, with walls and roofs made from local wood and floors made of natural stone.
Bali  A Unique Holiday Spot

Apart from this you are also provided with a personal butler who is trained to serve you any platter from the traditional Balinese cuisine to continental and any other cuisine that you wish to have. Not only that, the food is served to you wherever want, be it in your living room, dining room or even bedroom.

The climate of Bali is hot and humid owing to its tropical position and hence the villas and spas are constructed as such with airy and spacious living rooms along with a lot of greenery and foliage placed everywhere in your space. It is also advised that you dress accordingly in light clothes to survive the humid climate. But you must take care not to cross the boundaries of decency because Bali is a cultural and traditional land and thus you must be dressed accordingly in places of worship.

If you are visiting Bali you must consider visiting the popular tourist spots such as Kuta, Sanur and Seminyak. Kuta is actually a beach with white sand shores and abundant coral reefs and marine life to enjoy and admire. If you are planning for romance as well as culture in your holidays, then Bali is the ideal place for you.

by: Nigel Fine

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