subject: Health Insurance Allows You To Save Money [print this page] Going without health insurance can be an extremely expensive thing to do. Many people opt not to sign up for the health insurance plan offered through their place of employment or choose not to seek out health insurance if they are self-employed. Though doing this can seem like it is saving you money, it only saves you money in the immediate and short term scenario. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people find themselves in need of health treatment for one reason or another. Not having an effective insurance plan in place can mean not getting the needed treatment, healthcare, operation, or prescriptions necessary to help you overcome the issue.
People who choose to not participate in a health insurance plan often find themselves in a difficult situation weeks or months down the road. Having health insurance does mean that money will come out of your pocket monthly, bi-annually, or annually. However, it also means that when you, a spouse, or a child becomes ill, you are prepared and will have much better chances at getting treatment necessary to overcome the illness or injury.
When you or someone in your family becomes ill and are unable to get the medical treatment needed, this often means you missing out on work. For the average working American, missing out on work means bills quickly piling up, shut-off notices for utilities and phone bills, and possibly even eviction notices. On top of these, late fees apply and you also become at risk of losing a job if you are unable to return to work within a certain amount of time or if you are unable to fulfill your employment responsibilities fully due to being ill.
Missing out on work because you do not have health insurance to be able to afford doctor visits and prescription medication can really add up to be a hazard to your financial future. Many people have back up plans and savings fund for these occasions, but medical treatment can quickly eat through these savings and leave you with nothing and then wondering how you will pay next month's bills.
Health insurance is the primary benefit that most people look for in a job when they are job hunting. Without health insurance, basic medical expenses can quickly add up and become overwhelming, leaving it a struggle to pay standard household bills. People with children are even more in need of health insurance due to the various wellness checks, physicals, and immunizations that are needed for children. Standard health insurance will cover a good portion of these basic medical check-ups and procedures.
If your employer does not offer health insurance or if you are self-employed, it will be to your benefit to explore your options and search for a private health insurance policy. Comparing prices and coverage between insurance companies is the first step to take. The second step is to discover which family plans are offered through the policies you are comparing and what exclusions and limitations are listed in the policies.
by: Casey Trillbar
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