subject: How To Get The Best Auto Policies [print this page] I am quite certain that a majority of American families must buy an auto insurance policy. State laws require minimum liability policies. Lenders require even more coverage while owners still owe money on an auto loan. That means there is a huge demand for car insurance. But there is also a lot of competition for this huge amount of business. This gives you an opportunity to shop around to make sure you are getting the best value for your premium dollars!
How can you be sure you are getting the best car insurance to cover your valuable vehicles? Well, you could just watch television, browse the web, or read magazines. It is hard to miss insurance ads. They are everywhere you look. They are even posted on signs as you drive down the street!
However, there is a problem with buying an auto policy from information you get in adertisements. Each insurer loudly proclaims that they are the best. They will promote themselves by pointing out their good points.! How do you know which company will really be best for you?
You need to know a few basics about the auto insurance industry. For one thing, even national companies vary their prices and policies by state. Sometimes, it is even different depending upon your county or zip code! In addition, the type of vehicle you drive, your driving record, and many other things will affect your final price. To make matters even more complicated, insurers are not all exactly alike. Some have underwriting policies that make them better for different types of customers.
Some insurers offer discounts for safer vehicles. Others may charge you more because your credit is poor. It is impossible to guage these things from watching brief advertisements!
You need a way to compare quotes for a vehicle owner, or family of drivers, that fits a profile like yours. There are a few ways to accomplish this.
You could get on the phone and call a handful of insurance agents. This works, and it will also help you get to know potential agents who may be providing you with service in the future. A good agent is a great asset! But it could take up quite a bit of time.
You may also choose to start off with insurance quotes online. You can either visit insurance company websites, or you can find forms that offer multiple quotes in one place. A way to get competitive quotes from your own computer can be quite handy.
You should be able to save yourself some money and time. You will not need to set a lot of agent appointments or make dozens of calls. Once you have your choices narrowed down, it should be very simple to call a few companies or agents for more information. That way, you can combine the efficiency of computers with the security of having personal service.
Smart vehicle owners know they must shop around to find a good deal on their auto policy. In today's competitive business environment, you do not have to accept bad service, slow claims handling, or high premiums.
by: Marilyn Katz
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