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subject: Your Purpose And Life's Goals Can Be Clear To You [print this page]

Your Purpose And Life's Goals Can Be Clear To You

Your Purpose is Unfolding Each Moment of Your Life

As you start every day, your purpose becomes more clear.Be mindful that you are perfect the way you are in this moment and that your destiny will reveal itself to you. You are the only one who can tell you what that purpose is.That Guidance lies within you and is at work this very moment.Your job is to:

Stay alert to your internal energy flow.

Trust that youll be provided with what is needed for you to perform your business.
Your Purpose And Life's Goals Can Be Clear To You

Love others even as God has loved you.Love they neighbor as thyself.What these sayings teach is that your primary mission in this life is to perfect the ability to love.

Unfortunately, humans tend to try to make things much more involved than that.Most of us have at least 4 common ideas about what we tend to think of as life missions.

Our individual purpose in life or our mission exists somewhere out there and is just waiting for our discovery of it.

As we develop our sense of purpose in life, our destiny, and are developed by our destiny, its important to not only recognize fleeting intuitions but to maintain them and hold them with faith.Intuitions are guides that give us hints about how we can handle new or hard to handle situations.They give us glimpses into exciting possibilities that will spur us on our own path.Intuitions may come as full blown images, in recurring day or night dreams, or with that sense of simply knowing.

Our original goal, known as our Birth Vision, is why were looking in the 1st place.

To assist in trying to recall our Birth Vision, there are some practical steps that you can take that will assist you, and also help you to assist others in discovering this important part of their lives.

Your Internal Motivation

The first step is to realize that your mission exists within you in the form of your natural inclinations, instincts, desires and what encourages you.Reading, playing hopscotch, writing, coloring, etc.

As an experiment, get a piece of paper and write down all the things to do you that you did when you were young or that now brings you pleasure as they occur to you.For instance, if you enjoyed solving crossword puzzles, take it one more step forward.Ask yourself what it is about crossword puzzles that you find so much fun that youd spend your days doing them.Was it because you worked them alone in a quiet environment, giving you lots of time to ponder or to look words up in a dictionary? Perhaps you have a terrific memory, or have an uncanny ability to pick out the best word.Or perhaps you get a real sense of pleasure and accomplishment, a feeling of closure when you complete a puzzle.All these pleasures are motivating factors making this activity categorically of value to you then, and maybe even now.

One does not need to wait to discover lifes purpose. As you seek, so shall you find.

We only have the now to be certain of.No vague idea of achievements or goals met can substitute for the unbelievable range of experience that each day will bring to you.

by: Nicci Striker

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