subject: How To Educate Children About The Importance Of Money [print this page] Children dont really care about money, they just want to get what they desire, and dont care where it comes from. It is never too early to teach your child be responsible, even when its about money. However, its not enough just to tell your child that money must be saved for the future, you must think of some tactics that will actually work and make them remember how things go. Here are some things that may work for your child, as well.
Try to be a role model You cant expect your child to be responsible towards money, if you are not. Children literally absorb everything they see, so they see you waste money everywhere you go, they will think that is normal behavior.
Everyday expenses children must learn how hard it is to earn money, and let them know where money goes. This may be a great way to teach your child how to create spending journal, and write every little thing in it.
Dont buy everything your child wants This is another mistake, and if you keep making their every wish come true, they will get used to it. There are many situations where parents buy things for their children out of guilt, but it can only make the situation worse.
Set a goal if there is something that your child wants so bad, he will learn faster how to save money in order to get it. You can help him with some calculations, and let him know how much money he must save in order to get a desired toy.
Little saving games You can teach your child how to save if you make some kind of game, and the best way to do it is getting him good old piggy bank he is going to love. For older children who can even understand the concept of saving, you can open a bank account where he can track the money.
Let them practice with money Giving your child allowance will help him understand how to spend and invest money in the future. When they get older, it would be easier to understand the importance of getting a job and earning money.
Every child is different, and at some points, you may even thing that your child will never learn anything about saving money. Nevertheless, just be patient, and once your child stops begging you to get him a toy and starts collecting coins all over the house, youll know that you have made a progress.
by: Henry Calling
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