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Litter Training A Pet Rat

Pet rats are quite easy to trainPet rats are quite easy to train. They are very intelligent animals. Besides being trained to do basic tricks, they can be potty trains as well. It is better to start this training when the rat is young but older rats will usually learn the process it just may take a little longer. Litter box training a rat will make it easier to keep their cage clean. This is good for you and them since they are such clean animals.

For materials you will need clean bedding material, litter in pellet form, a strong litter box, and some treats to pull this off.

Begin the litter training process by cleaning out the rats cage thoroughly. Most rats consistently relieve themselves in a corner of their cage. They will urinate wherever they feel the need but elimination will be done in a corner or two. This is important because you need to identify the corner(s) that your rat uses to eliminate. When you clean the cage out you need to save a small amount of soiled litter and droppings.

When the cage is clean replace the bedding with new or fresh bedding and fill the litter box with the pellet litter. Place the litter box inside of the cage in the corner that had the most droppings before cleaning. Placed the soiled litter and saved droppings in the litter box. Your rat will smell the droppings and this will, most likely, get him or her to continue using the same corner and the litter box. If you notice your pet going outside of the litter box simply move him or her to the box. If you cant get in the cage to do so then start practicing the no command if you havent done so already in your training. Move droppings and soiled litter that show up outside of the litter box into the litter box. When possible, reward your pet rat with a treat when he or she uses the litter box as you wish.

This is the basic litter box training for pet rats. More advanced potty training can even teach a rat to use a litter box when they are outside of their cage. This advanced training will take more patience, time, and of course more treats. Before starting any advanced litter training make sure your rat has mastered the use of the litter box inside of the pets cage.

by: Derrick Anderson
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