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subject: Should You Consider The Services Of A Professional Wedding Photographer? [print this page]

Should You Consider The Services Of A Professional Wedding Photographer?

A wedding is a major event in anyones lifeA wedding is a major event in anyones life. It is the day that you join with someone else to share yourself and to live with them. You will be required to compromise and you will have someone who loves you. People will not necessarily remember every aspect of this day so they have to find a way to capture those memories. This is what a photograph does. It encapsulates different memories so that the happy couple and those in their lives will have something to look back on in the future.

The wedding day happens once, there is no repeat. Therefore you will have to make sure that you have a professional and that there is more than one camera getting the shots. You will have deep regrets if after the wedding you realize that those pictures were spoiled. That is why choosing a wedding photographer is an important process and the criteria will be different than when you are selecting any other.

Your wedding photographer will have to start getting pictures from before the actual ceremony; from the beginning of the day even to the last moment after the reception until the married couple goes off on their honeymoon adventure. Many will also have a videographer. Typically the bride and groom will be at different locations so you may need a team of photographers and a company that specializes in events like weddings will know how to coordinate this.

When you interview people for the job of your wedding photographer you will need to ask a lot of questions. Questions should capture their experience, examples of weddings they have shot, knowledge about lighting and using different cameras. Anyone who does not fit in any of the criteria should be shortlisted.

Below are a few pointers you must look into -

1. Does the wedding photographer have any customer references.

2. Research online about the wedding photography company. By doing you due diligence, you are protecting yourself from potential scams and poor service. Other online directories to visit are websites like truelocal or Womow. Often these sites will allow customer ratings and feedbacks of the service. When you find feedbacks, just weigh up the positives and negatives.

3. Ask for their portfolio of work, and see if their style will suit your taste. Often, a professional wedding photographer can produce an album of work for reference. If they can't or refuse to, run. With most professionals, a meeting with couples is usually arranged to formulate the best photography options

4. Are they flexible with time. For some couples, especially Chinese wedding, the day kicks off early. Hence, be sure to check if your wedding photographer can accommodate such arrangements.

The basis of this knowledge will be in the qualifications that the wedding photographer has. Many photographers at this level have Associate and Bachelors Degree qualifications. You will also want to ensure that the wedding photographer has insurance and that you get a guarantee concerning your pictures.

At the end of the day, if you want your photographs to be done well, and have every special moment to be captured forever, a professional wedding photographer is highly recommended. It is worth the investment for a lifetime of wonderful memories.

by: Pim Dezhang

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