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subject: How To Use Seasonality Trends To Boost Online Sales [print this page]

How To Use Seasonality Trends To Boost Online Sales

If you walk around your local town or city at various times throughout the year, chances are you don't really pay much attention to what is displayed, for example, what the clothes stores have in their windows at what point during the year.

When it gets to winter, you expect to see hats, coats and scarves and when it's summer, you expect to see shorts, t-shirts and bikinis and generally speaking, this is what happens.

What a lot of people fail to understand is just how much planning and preparation goes in to making sure that the correct products are being showcased to the market at the right point in time, as it's not simply a matter of changing your product lines when August and December come around.

And although it is most apparent with offline stores, the truth is that if you've got an online business, you really need to be taking a look at seasonality trends, as monitoring and utilizing them correctly alongside other resources can lead to a tremendous boost in online sales.

The perfect example of this is the recent partnership between Latitude Express and, a company who provide a vast array of fancy dress costumes and party supplies.

Before the partnership began, Party Britain had a Pay-Per-Click - PPC - campaign in place that was driving some targeted traffic to their website.

However, realising that they weren't extracting the true potential from their campaign, they hired Latitude Express and gave them the aim of increasing conversions while lowering their Cost Per Click - CPC - which would result in a much more effective campaign.

Facing an extremely competitive market, Latitude Express rose to the challenge by utilizing seasonality trends, moving Party Britain's existing PPC campaign away from the more generic keywords and high-level landing pages that they had been using to long tail, user-specific keywords and direct product landing pages.

Increasing the number of keywords that were in use tremendously, the campaign went through a complete overhaul, but to the delight of Party Britain, resulted in a substantially more effective PPC campaign, with a 23% increase in conversions and a 66% increase in revenue from the campaign.

Utilizing seasonality trends online is something that a lot of organizations fail to do, as it's been traditionally an offline technique and itis only in recent times when people have started to understand just how beneficial it can be, with the proof being shown in the Party Britain campaign - as soon as they moved away from broader keywords and started to focus on seasonal keywords that were specific to the products that they sold, the campaign instantly became more effective.

It doesn't take a retail guru to understand seasonality trends and it's highly likely that you're already working with them in one way or another. However, it's important that you do your utmost to ensure that you're unlocking their true potential as an organization, as simply put, the more you invest in using seasonality trends online to your advantage, the more of a boost your online sales are going to see

by: Lawrence White

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