subject: Citis Sixth Annual global Community Day Mobilizes 40,000 Employee Volunteers In More Than 7 [print this page] Citis Sixth Annual Global Community Day Mobilizes 40,000 Employee Volunteers in More Than 78 Countries
Over 1000 India employees volunteered at 34 projects across 26 cities
Lucknow Citi volunteers around the world demonstrated their commitment to make a positive difference through the companys sixth annual Global Community Day, on Saturday, October 22.
In India, Citi organized 34 activities across 26 towns in India, including Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Bhubaneshwar, Indore, and Lucknow, to name a few. Financial Literacy was the over-arching theme for Indias 2011 Global Community Day. Employees engaged with underprivileged children and adults from NGOs such as Pratham, Akanksha, SASHA, and HelpAge India and conducted interactive activities that demonstrated the importance of saving and investing for the future. Citi employees also hosted visits to several premier branches across the country, to familiarize the children and adults with the basic operations of a bank. In addition to the Financial Literacy activities, Citi also organized community initiatives focused on Housing and Construction with Habitat for Humanity and an overall Community Development program at Anand Niketan Complex in Mumbai, which had employees participate in gardening and painting and renovation of the premises.
In Lucknow today, Citi volunteers conducted a fun educational session for children from Study Hall Educational Foundation on Financial Literacy with interactive games and stories for underprivileged children. The program covered educating them on the importance of saving and investing for the future to ensure a better tomorrow. Through this volunteering program, the children were also taught about the importance of EARLY and REGULAR savings, the power of compounded interest and also create a mock bank!
Pramit Jhaveri, CEO, Citi India said, Working with the communities that we live and operate in is an integral part of our culture at Citi. Global Community Day is one of the ways in which we demonstrate this commitment. I am pleased to see the dedication of our employees, who have joined colleagues across the globe to engage in causes where they can make a positive difference to society.
Globally, over 40,000 Citi employee volunteers participated in nearly 1,100 local service projects across 78 countries.
Global Community Day is a validation of Citis more than philanthropy approach, which encourages employees to provide their time and expertise in the areas of their interest by partnering with like-minded NGOs. In 2011, Citi India has committed approximately Rs. 100 million across 12 NGOs nationally. Since 1999, Citi has supported innovative projects with over 22 NGOs across the country. During this period, Citi-funded programs have benefited more than 1.65 million economically disadvantaged families by way of enterprise development, youth education and livelihoods, financial capability and asset building, and microfinance.
Media Contacts:
Atul Malikram
by: PR 24x7 Network Ltd.
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