subject: As The Weather Cools, Beware Of Dental Emergencies [print this page] Whether you are traveling this fall and winter season, or staying around the area, you know you are in for quite the winter. With extreme cold and blizzards, it is important to take extra precautions in order to prevent dental injuries from occurring. With the colder weather, your daily activities may change opening up new opportunities for potential injuries to occur. You may lose a tooth due to trauma, such as slipping on ice, or falling down while participating in a sporting event. Either way, your dentist should be the first person you call if you have a dental emergency. Whether you are at home or traveling visiting a dentist within 30 minutes or less can be what stands between you and saving your tooth - think fast.
The Do's and Don'ts for Handling Dental Emergencies
If your child knocks their tooth completely out of its socket, time is not always on your side. It is important to get your child and their tooth to a dentist within one hour of the injury otherwise the tooth may not be able to be saved. When a primary tooth is knocked out, it is usually not placed back into the socket because it might damage the developing permanent tooth.
However, if it is a permanent tooth that is knocked out, there are extra precautionary steps needed in order to properly save the tooth. Do not touch the tooth root. The root has a ligament that can be easily damaged and without a healthy ligament, the tooth cannot be replaced into the socket. If the tooth has dirt on it, rinse it off and gently try to reinsert it into the socket and hold it in place. If the tooth will not go back into the socket, put the tooth in saliva or a glass of milk, making sure the tooth does not dry out. Do not wrap a tooth in cloth or tissue and immediately visit your dentist for further emergency care.
When a tooth is pushed out of place, but is still in the socket rinse the mouth with cold water and put an icepack over your mouth. Gently push the tooth back into position and hold it in place. Call your dentist for further instructions and recommendations when it comes to preserving your tooth or teeth during a dental emergency.
Take Extra Preventions This Season
Winter sports and activities can pose a threat to your child's teeth. A good investment for children and adults, as well, is a mouth guard. Mouth guards are usually available through your dentist, allowing for proper customizable-protection of your child's teeth. Be alert to situations where someone could trip or fall, such as on ice after snowfall. Teeth are precious and should be protected in any way possible.
Your child's teeth are so precious that you should take every precaution available to preserve their oral health. While the dental health care industry is doing amazing things with artificial teeth, there is nothing that can replace and be the same as your own healthy teeth. Taking just a few precautions and knowing what to do in a situation where yours or your child's tooth is injured, can last a lifetime. Contact your dentist in Chicago, IL for more information on dental emergencies and how to handle them. The winter season is known for accidents, so take precautions as often as possible to prevent injury to the mouth.
by: Gen Wright
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