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subject: Get Proper Measurements For Curtains Before Ordering Online [print this page]

Home decorating accessories and items, such as curtains, tablecloths and wall hangings can be purchased online. Purchasing curtains online make it easier to order what you want without the hassle of going to multiple stores to find the right curtain for the home. However, the disadvantage to buying curtains online is there is no checking to see if the curtain will fit the window before making the purchase. This is the main reason it is important to get accurate window measurements before placing an online order, because the slightest mis-measurement can result in the wrong size in curtains being delivered.

Before getting started gather all materials needed to properly and accurately measure the window. Items needed include a pencil, notebook (or piece of paper) and a metal retractable tape measure. Keep in mind that when writing the measurements down the width of the window is listed before the height.

Measurements for ordering curtains online can be taken on a blank window or one that already has a curtain rod installed. Always take measurements from the window and never from existing curtains.

If the window has a curtain rod already installed that will be used for the new curtains the measurement can be calculated based on the rod. For the width, measure the length of the rod from end to end, excluding any brackets or decorative extensions. For the height, measure from the center of the curtain rod down over the window to where the bottom of the curtains will end.

If there is not a curtain rod already installed take the curtain measurement from the dimensions of the window. For the width, run the tape measure across the top of the window. Add a few extra inches on each side to allow enough curtain to cover the entire window. For example, if the width of the window is 15 inches, add approximately 4 inches to give 2 extra inches on each side of the curtains. For the height, measure from approximately 1 inch above the top of the window down to where the curtains are expected to end.

The height of the curtains will depend upon personal preference, types of curtains selected and design of the room. Curtains that are intended to just cover the window should measure approximately 4 inches past the bottom of the window sill. Other curtains can be measured to approximately 1 inch above the floor or long enough to pool just a little bit on the floor.

Write down all measurements and keep available when placing the order for the curtains online. Depending upon the measurements, curtains ordered online may have to be rounded up to the nearest inch. Also, check for any special measuring and ordering instructions before submitting curtain measurements for the online order.

by: Jamie Simpson

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