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subject: Mens Titanium Wedding Bands The Ring For The Modern Man [print this page]

Mens Titanium Wedding Bands The Ring For The Modern Man

Men today dont sit still very oftenMen today dont sit still very often. They are either participating in an extreme sport or traveling across the country on business, and when they do get home, theyre busy building a deck, remodeling the bathroom or coaching a soccer team. What does all this activity have to do with mens titanium wedding bands, you may ask? Well, these incredible rings are the first ones that match up to the active lifestyle of the modern man.

While titanium is one of the strongest metals you can buy, it is also the lightest. This makes it a whole lot more comfortable for everyday wear, but it also stands up to the knocks and pings that come along with an active lifestyle. If youre shopping for a wedding ring and you want a ring that feels like its not even there, then mens titanium wedding bands are the perfect solution. Believe it or not, they are only 1/3 the weight of gold.

Beyond their natural durability and lighter weight, titanium rings come in some of the most stylish designs. Slightly darker in color than white gold or platinum, titanium has a gunmetal color that is closer to stainless steel. This unique shade lends itself well to an urban look, and designers have taken full advantage of this quality. Some of the most popular looks in mens titanium wedding rings are made from a combination of black and gunmetal titanium.

While titanium is extremely hard, it can still get scratched by abrasive materials like sandpaper and rocks. But its easy to make these rings look like new again with a quick polish at your jeweler. Compared to other metals, titanium is difficult to cut and shape into intricate patterns, so your titanium ring is more likely to be shaped into a simpler design. This same quality also makes mens titanium wedding bands nearly impossible to re-size, so be sure you order the ring in the correct size. It is possible to slightly increase the size of a titanium ring by removing some of the material on the inside of the ring, but it cannot be made any smaller.

Another reason why modern men love to wear titanium is the seamless shape of designer titanium rings. While not a precious or rare metal, titanium wedding bands are constructed from solid bars of aircraft grade titanium. This means that most of the cost involved in making them comes from the skilled labor required to craft the metal.

For the ultimate in fashionable mens wedding rings, black titanium makes an elegant statement. Using a carefully controlled manufacturing process, titanium can be permanently changed into a rich and luxurious black metal. The color actually becomes part of the metal before it is shaped into a ring, which makes it very attractive to ring designers because it doesnt scratch off or fade.

If you are looking for a ring with a distinctive and modern look that will stand the test of time, check out the incredible selection of mens titanium wedding bands at

by: Molly Devine

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