subject: How Much Effective Is Hcg Diet Plan For Weight Loss? [print this page] Drug market is full of combating brands of magic potions for weight loss. But, the question is how far they are effective for the reason they are taken. All of their manufacturers claim that theirs work like real magic and results will come evident just within certain period. Believe or not believe, HCG diet really works like a real magic!
Before exploring the reason behind this conviction, lets know some facts about HCG. HCG is the short form of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a glycoprotein hormone and is produced during the development of embryo after the conception. Also, some sorts of tumors can make this hormone, amounting to the cause of malignancy. Certain clinical findings have corroborated the myth about HCG, which is believed to have control over Hypothalamus of human brain. And, we are aware that certain parts of human metabolic systems are controlled by hypothalamus functions.
Known clinically as luteinizing hormone (LH), HCG has got much popularity for its effectiveness and combating potency against weight gaining effects of human body. Now, weight gaining is seen as curse and all are running after finding out ways how to shed body fat- during pregnancy period and for plumps as well. Medicine world has found merits in HCG and that has resulted in creation of hcg diet plan.
How that works?
The way HCG works is by giving an enlarging fetus with nutrients from fat stores. A pregnant woman may not be able to provide right amount of nutrients to her unborn baby, and thus giving right kind of body shape, bone shape and muscle growth in the fetus to the baby. While making hcg diet plan, this principle is kept in mind. The reason behind it is that the manufactured hormone will well provide the similar service to a human who is conceiving, and that fat stores in the body will be consumed. If this process is combined with a good hcg diet plan under certain levels of calories for example 500 calorie, this will help burn fat significantly.
Until a few decades back, shedding weight fast without losing muscle mass had been beyond imagination. Now, with the introduction of hcg diet plan and programs, weight loss without having to give up muscle mass has become quite possible, and that can be done within just 3 week period. The hcg diet helps in doing so as a magic. When you are using up 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continuously discharging the fat stored in your body. This course helps in burning 1500 to 4000 calories of stored abnormal fat every day. For this reason your body loses weight faster.
Other than these, hcg diet plan has advantages that are bluntly missing on other weight loss means, including work-outs. This plan gives you liberty to eating healthy food as well as eating as you wish. But, one should not indulge in overeating and eating spicy food items. This diet plan is great for obesity. Over the decades, thousands of people have benefited from these diet plans. Seeing its increasing popularity among us, it is well-understood that hcg diet plan has been safe, healthy and convenient dieting program found ever before.
by: Rajib
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