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Various Treatment For Scars

At some point in our lives we have either cut or burn ourselves, undergone surgery or received an injury to the skin surface which leads to the formation of a scar. The size of the scar depends on the depth of the cut and its location on our body. Some scars eventually reduce in appearance and are barely visible while others cannot be hidden. Though scarring can never completely go disappear, there are treatments and methods used by medical professionals that are used to diminish its size, shape and appearance.

The type of treatment used on scar issue depends on the type and severity of the scar. Non-prescription and prescription creams, gels and ointments can be utilized on scarring caused by surgical incisions, cuts and wounds. If you are under the care of a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or general physician it is best to ask for their recommendation for the best type of cream. Additionally, you should be aware that some creams and gels can cause extreme itching and may make the skin very sensitive. It is best to try and avoid scratching the skin surface wear the scar is located.

For more serious scars caused by deeper cuts and injuries various surgical options are available, performed by doctors and other medical professionals. Skin graft, excision, dermabrasions and laser surgery can all be used to remove scar tissue from the body. These treatments are usually used on burn victims.

A final method used to remove scarring on the skin are injections. The use of steroid injections, either alone or in conjunction with other treatments, are performed by doctors to get rid of keloid or hypertrophic scars, which develop when there is excessive healing of the skin, usually due to genetic reasons.

The reasons to treat scars are not only for aesthetic reasons but also for functional reasons. Sometimes the scars are located on a vital area of the body, such as joints, hands or the neck. Therefore, the formation of a large painful scar can cause disability and trouble using the affected joint. One should take into consideration when examining surgery as an option for treating scars, that the surgical approach has a catch- new surgical cuts may form new scarring if the patient has that genetic tendency. However, when this tendency is already known, early treatment is offered (steroid injections, tight silicon dressings) so that the new scars are smaller and the outcome is usually better.

by: Maria Gonzales

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