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Natural Chlamydia Treatment Options You Should Know

Identified as the leading STD in the United States, Chlamydia is an infection most commonly acquired by people having multiple sex partners. It can be contracted via oral, anal and vaginal sex. Authorities require that all sexually active persons, especially those with many partners, learn about the necessary testing as well as antibiotic and natural Chlamydia treatment options.

This condition usually is a very tricky one because it does not manifest symptoms until complications are noticeable. In fact, only about 30 percent of women and 25 percent of men show signs like pain during urinating, rectal and genital discharges, tenderness in the affected area as well as pain during sex while the infection is still at the early stage.

This is why each sexually engaging person is required to submit discharge samples for testing. DNA probe testing, antibody testing and cell cultures are going to be performed to confirm the presence of bacteria and prevent complications like infertility and inflammation to the internal reproductive organs. Women are even put at high risk for experiencing ectopic pregnancy.

This disease can be treated successfully with antibiotics. In fact, the prognosis for this approach is very good. However, if a person keeps on exposing himself to several sexual partners and does not stick to his medical regimen religiously, there is a possibility for recurrence to happen. This is why many researchers have attempted to treat the condition naturally.

An approach having the same mechanism as vaccines was developed. Called nosodes, they actually attempt to teach the human immune system to recognize antibodies and act against it every time it enters the system. Nosodes do not have whole molecule components of the bacteria; that's why many say it is much safer than vaccines.

Another approach would be the use of sarcodes, which attempt to increase the functionality of the immune system. Natural alkalizing herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine would also be good in maintaining the balance and manifestation of the body's five elements. For instance, astralagus which is a Chinese herb is considered very effective in boosting the immune system.

Even if several treatment modes have been developed, and several drugs and doctors are present, it is still more advisable to practice safer sex to prevent the infections from continuously infecting. Moreover, abstinence is so far the most effective practice as promiscuity is identified to be the number one risk factor for acquiring the disease.

Women who are under the age of 25 and have had sex must willingly submit for testing, according to the mandates of the health authorities. Anyone who also has a new partner should be examined for the presence of the bacteria causing the STI. This would help to avoid onward infections that result to complications to other people too.

It is good to go for natural Chlamydia treatment because of minimal chemical exposure involved. But people can always choose whichever measure they want. The most important thing is to practice safe sex and abstinence to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Early screening and detection would also be necessary to minimize the prevalence of the STI.

by: John Anthonio

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