subject: Research Shows That Physical Activity Helps Kids Learn [print this page] One of the current strategies for working with children classified as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder is
to give them more physical activity. The research shows that kids with ADD have smaller frontal lobes of
the brain and thus they tend to struggle with focus and lean toward being more impulsive. Many of
these children outgrow their behaviors as they continue to grow and their brain develops and matures.
We also know that aerobic exercise releases chemicals that help in the development of those frontal
lobes. A short bout of exercise can alter the chemical balance of the brain and can change a sour
disposition to more genial or help us to be more focused. Weve known this for years, hence the
invention of the study break, the walk to the water cooler or the advent of corporate fitness centers into
office buildings. Today the science backs up what we knew. But let me return to the point: Repeatedly
applying this concept of exercise to enhance focus can lead to permanently enhancing the efficiency of,
not only the frontal lobes, but our body as a whole. Our frontal lobes do not fully develop until about
age 25. That means up until then we tend naturally to be more impulsive, sometimes irrational,
sometimes foggy or unfocused and sometimes inattentive. (Insurance companies knew this before the
research by tracking of data about who has auto accidents and when and why accidents occur. There
was a sharp decrease after age 25, coincidentally the age at which experts believe the frontal lobes
mature, and thus they became less of a risk).
Science is also showing us that academics are directly affected by sports and physical activity even more
than we thought. Going back to the ancient Greeks philosophy of a sound mind in a sound body; we
seem to have always assumed that the 2 go hand in hand. But now by research we know that it is true. A
study by the California Department of Education in 2001 compared standardized testing scores of
physically active kids and inactive kids. The physical children had far out-performed their inactive
counterparts by a large margin. This study was duplicated in Australia and Hong Kong and both with
identical results. The verdict was in: being in sports and physical activity not only increased the rate and
efficiency of brain development but it improved learning and retention over all.
A study conducted by Ralph Barrett (Nashville) indicated that repetition and development of specific
motor skills such as balancing, catching and activities that require a child to use quick eye-hand
coordination skills will integrate sections of the brain and enhance reading skills. We know then that
applied skill learning and physical skills not only create a more efficient physical body but will lead to
better comprehension in reading and thus improve grades and retention of information. Looking into
our collective personal experiences we can confirm a North Carolina study that correlates grade point
and graduation rates higher for the athletes in school over the non-athletes. Further research in
psychology, education and neuroscience all point to the similar conclusions: Physical activity does
enhance academic performance.
I have spoken on many occasions about the benefits of gymnastics for children and though many sports
involve coordination, eye-hand skills, balance, strength and flexibility; no sport offers them to the extent
that gymnastics does. Gymnastics forms a foundation for other sports and activities to build upon. I
cannot tell you how many of my former gymnasts have gone on to excel in soccer, softball, track, diving,
or other sports. And not only that, in the last 30 years I have coached 3 doctors, 2 physical therapists, 2