subject: Is Project Payday A Reliable Corporation Or A Complete Con? [print this page] Let's make a dealLet's make a deal. You go sign on to receive a free bottle of the most recent miracle drug. It is a $49.95 value , but you will only have to pay a $4.95 delivery fee. Then send me your receipt and I may pay you $20 for your effort and time together with a reminder you need to go up and straight away cancel the automated monthly shipment you may or may not have realized you were signing up for.
Not a bad deal, right? You pay $5 and earn a $15 profit. And the referring affiliate also earns a nice profit as the miracle drug company paid them a solid $40 commission to obtain a new sale. Just about a win-win situation. Or is it?
Is Project Payday Ethical?
Project Payday is an internet course designed to teach you how to earn royalties promoting various CPA or "cost per action" offers using a highly debatable incentivized approach like the deal just suggested.
Not acquainted with CPA offers? These are usually free or terribly low cost trial offers built to get a company's product, service or business opportunities into the hand of a new customer in the expectation of gaining extra a sales later .
Have you seen any advertising banners that offer you iPods, Money, or PCs just to finish a survey? Those are called "Incentivized Freebie Websites" or IFWs and are the guts of Project Payday sting model.
These companies truly will give you the freebie after completing a survey or a particular number of affiliate offers, but there is a catch. Before you qualify to receive the item in question you need to either give up your personal information, finish a minimum number of trial offers, consent to a monthly vehicle cargo, or even recruit 6 of your family and friends to finish the same offer.
Naturally, if you actually have an interest in the product or service - then that sure is a different situation altogether. But if an affiliate marketer comes in and basically bribes you to complete the offer and then recommends you to straight away cancel any further commitment, the company gets cheated.
This may be a win for you and the referring affiliate, but the company loses massively because they paid a commission for what really amounts to a fake customer who actually had no real interest in the product or service being offered. So the answer to the question : "Is project pay day ethical?" is pretty clear. It depends totally on which side of the fence you sit and your own sense of wrong and right.
That being said, there a lot of folks making six-figure even seven-figure incomes working part-time from home promoting CPA offers. The difference is they recommend the offers in such a way as to attraction folks that are sincerely interested in at least trying the service or product. It is a proven model and it works very well after you master the art and science of selling.
by: joshbrncba
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