subject: When Is The Best Time To Have My Child's Wisdom Teeth Removed In Charlotte? [print this page] Have you started asking, "Is it time for me to have my wisdom teeth removed?" Indeed, there's truth in the saying "the key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions."
You may have heard already from friends and family in Charlotte NC that these teeth can cause dental problems, which can bring tears even to an adult's eyes. What are wisdom teeth and why do they cause so much fuss many years after your teeth broke out when you were a baby?
Wisdom teeth got their name because they appear between the ages of 17 and 25, the so-called "age of wisdom". Usually, you will get two lower third molars and two upper third molars. At this time, of course, all of your teeth have broken out of your gums already leaving little room for wisdom teeth to grow into a normal position. If some people in Charlotte, NC told you that these Johnny-come-lately teeth bring nothing but trouble, they have good reasons to say so.
Third molars do not usually affect your smile or the general appearance of your teeth. However, positioning or alignment problems can cause improper biting or pain if they rub against your tongue or cheek.
In some cases, only a small portion of the tooth breaks out because of overlying gum, bone or tooth. This is called a partially impacted tooth, which is harder to clean. A completely impacted tooth, which cannot break out of your gums, can cause many problems too. Oral surgeons say that impacted teeth are can lead to infection or formation of cyst, which can damage the adjacent teeth, the surrounding bone and nerves. In a rare case, untreated cysts can lead to the growth of tumors.
What if your wisdom teeth comes out in the proper position and does not cause any of the problems above? Should you rest on your laurels and thank your lucky stars? Not really. Properly positioned wisdom teeth will still cause some problems because of difficulties with cleaning or brushing. They are just as susceptible to infections as impacted teeth according to a study by maxillofacial and oral surgeons in the US.
By asking when you should have your wisdom teeth removed, you're asking the right question. Obviously, time is issue here and not whether you need to have them removed or not via oral surgery in Charlotte NC. No need to wait for the abovementioned problems to happen. As the roots grow longer, removing your wisdom teeth becomes more difficult and the risk for complications is higher.
Oral surgeons recommend wisdom teeth removal between the ages of 17 and 21 though you can still go for it if you're older now. Generally, it is performed in an oral surgeon's office under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The relative ease of oral surgery will depend on how developed the roots are, the position of the tooth and whether it is impacted or not.
If there's anything to be afraid about wisdom teeth, it's not the surgery to remove it because it is something you should look forward to. You should be wary about waiting too long or not heeding the experts' advice. Visit your Charlotte, NC oral surgeon now to know more about what he can do to save you from future dental problems through wisdom teeth extraction.
by: Shirley J. Dudley
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