subject: The Wonderful World Of Papaya [print this page] Everyone is familiar with the nameEveryone is familiar with the name. But for most of us the mention of the fruit does not give a distinct impression in terms of taste, though it certainly conjures up an impression of the tropics. For those familiar with the fruit, they are more apt to see it as a good old standby, pleasant enough to be eaten on its own, but nothing to sing about either.
Papayas are basically of two types, though all papaya is originally from Southern Mexico. The kind most often consumed in North America and Hawaii are yellow when ripe, can be held in the hand, and have yellow flesh. In Southern and Southeast Asia, big heavy dark-skinned papayas are the norm. The flesh of these is blood red. The latter is a quintessential part of the Thai beach fruit plate. The two taste quite similar, a bit musky with honey overtones. The Asian cultivar tends to be stronger in flavor however. Both varieties are reminiscent of melons, but unfortunately lack the melons complexity and delicious nectar.
Despite unremarkable culinary qualities, papaya fruit is yummy in tropical hotcakes, smoothies and shakes, and in fruit salad. It is a health dynamo as well, quickly producing nutritious fruit even in poor soil.
Papaya seeds are edible and spicy, somewhat like black pepper. They have a number of medicinal properties, but are especially known for being conducive to good digestion. They are even used as a contraceptive, with medical evidence backing up their efficacy!
Papaya is sometimes called paw paw, but the latter actually refers to a whole other fruit altogether. Paw paw is related to the custard apple, and the northernmost tropical fruit, extending into the Ozarks. Their flavor, when ripe, is somewhat like a cross between a banana and a mango (which they resemble). They have a very short shelf life however, and ferment quickly.
The Wonderful World Of Papaya
By: Dinah Jackson
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