subject: Health Insurance Stress [print this page] Sometimes it seems like everything associated with health insurance is stressful from the paperwork to the expectations of failing health. It shouldn't have to be that way though. All it takes is a little patience and a certain understanding of your policy to avoid the major roadblocks.
Many people don't take the time read their policy much less study it. These people are the ones that are the most surprised when a certain type of service isn't covered or they've gone over their yearly limit. There isn't much room to complain when you haven't done the work to understand what you are complaining about in the first place, but you can sort of understand that frustration.
The whole purpose of health insurance, in a way, is to make us feel safe. It gives us the security to not have to worry about those rainy days when accidents happen that demand extreme amounts of money. Medical costs are extremely high for even the most basic of procedures. Consider however, the amount of money that goes into treating a patient. There are hundreds of people involved in making a hospital run; doctors and nurses are merely the tip of the iceberg. There are housekeepers and maintenance staff that keep the grounds clean and maintained. There are kitchen and dietary staff that make food for the cafeteria for employees and visitors along with meals prepared for inpatients. There is business staff, and records staff, laboratory staff, and technology and IT staff. It goes on and on and on.
It doesn't stop at the people though. Maintaining a building as large, complex, and multifunctional as a hospital is a massive undertaking. There are concerns for water, electricity, and all the basics that come with any structure along with the concerns for all the specialized equipment that makes everything work and keeps people alive. There are definitely reasons that medical care does not come cheaply, but that's why we have health insurance to pick up part of the financial burden. Everyone should have health insurance anyway.
Not everyone can afford health insurance. Even though there are programs designed specifically for people who cannot afford medical coverage, a large percentage of people go with no coverage whatsoever. For some it's a choice, while others just aren't eligible for any specialized programs. Those who choose to skip on health insurance are making a mistake. Accidents and illness come at unexpected times and not having coverage greatly hinders your ability for health maintenance. The uninsured are far less likely to go in for a checkup. They wait until their health is too far gone to be recovered before they see a doctor and by that time there's nothing the doctor can do to fix the problem. It's a grave mistake, but it happens all the time.
It's especially unfortunate when a family with children goes without health insurance. Kids need to be taken care of during those developmental years. Problems that surface at a young age, even minor and easily treatable ones, can have a lifetime impact if they are left untreated. Even though health insurance requires a significant investment, the benefits are usually equally significant and valuable.
by: Casey Trillbar
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