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The Next Best Thing To Walking On The Moon

Lanzarote lies just 79 miles off the African coast, is the fourth largest of the Canary Islands and it is the most easterly. As with the other Canary Islands, Lanzarote is of volcanic origin and has an almost lunar like landscape.

Holidays to Lanzarote make the perfect winter destination as they see very little rainfall and temperatures rarely drop below 21.

One of the most popular sights on holidays to Lanzarote is the breathtaking Atlantida Tunnel. Thought to be the longest volcanic tunnel in the world, it was formed over 3,000 years ago and was often used by locals to shelter from the pirates plundering their island. There is 2km of the 7km long tunnel open to the general public. 1.6 km of the tunnel is actually beneath the sea bed.

The caves are magically lit from within and the lowest part of the cave has fantastic acoustics so has been made into a very unique concert hall with astounding live performances. The Lanzarote born artist Cesar Manrique has had a huge input into the expansion of the tunnel whish also has beautiful gardens, delightful restaurants and a swimming pool, whilst still making sure the development stays in keeping with the volcanic landscape. There is a stunning underwater salt lagoon, home to a species of blind albino crab, thought to be found nowhere else in the world.
The Next Best Thing To Walking On The Moon

An excursion to Timanfaya National Park is another must whilst on holidays to Lanzarote. This is the site of one of the most violent and long lasting volcanic eruptions in the area; it took place back in 1730 and was so severe it turned the beautiful blue skies to a dark imposing black for six whole years. Youll be treated to fascinating displays of just how hot the land is here (between 400 and 600 degrees) as water is poured into a pit and is returned almost instantly as steam, and dry brush is thrown into a hole and immediately bursts into flames. You cannot just stroll freely around the park for safety reasons, however there is a fascinating coach trip or even a camel trek that you can join to witness this beautiful lunar like landscape at close quarters and even get the feeling that you could actually be as close to the moon's surface as you are ever likely to get.

Manrique has also had a huge impact on the way holidays to Lanzarote actually look today. He has campaigned tirelessly to minimise the environmental impact that growing tourism has on the island and has succeeded in ensuring there are very few high rise buildings on the island and that buildings are kept to traditional builds.You won't see any bill board advertising campaigns making the place look untidy either.

It is ideal to see as much of the island as you can on holidays to Lanzarote, however there are some beautiful beaches to choose from when you are ready for some rest and relaxation, and non more so perhaps than Papagayo Beach in the south of the island.

The appealing year round climate and the fascinating landscape, history and tradition of this island will make sure that holidays to Lanzarote will remain popular year after year.

by: Yvonne Dawson

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