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Life In North Walsham And Beyond

Boasting a population of approximately 18,000 people in an area measuring 6.67 square miles, the civil parish of North Walsham is a quiet yet relatively active corner of North Norfolk.

Situated 15 miles north of Norwich city, North Walsham is within proximity to the heart of the county. The town is connected to Cromer, Norwich and Sheringham by train, with regular routes running on the Bittern Line to and from North Walsham Railway Station, which comprises two platforms and accommodates a quarter of a million passengers every year.

North Walsham's history as an Anglo-Saxon settlement is evident in its infrastructure, with St Nicholas Church, one of the area's most notable Saxon landmarks, having been built in the 14th century. Standing some 180 feet before the building's steeple collapsed in 1724, St Nicholas Church serves as a prime example of the volatile nature of religion in England; after originally being dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the church was renamed following the Protestant Reformation. Today, St Nicholas Church is a popular attraction among tourists visiting the wider Norwich area.

North Walsham's Market Place also generates interest from visitors to the area, not merely because it lays stage to a bustling marketplace but because its Market Cross provides a source of great architectural wonder. Work on building the Market Cross began in 1550 under the reign of Edward VI and was completed five years later. Although the Great Fire of North Walsham destroyed the structure in 1600, the iconic landmark was rebuilt by Bishop Redman two years later. Having been restored several times since, the Grade 1 listed monument continues to overlook the thriving marketplace, which supplies wools, cloths, meats, livestock and other such products to the local community.
Life In North Walsham And Beyond

Although North Walsham is a relatively small and quiet parish town, the area has provided the world with some notable leaders, talents and celebrities. Admiral Lord Nelson attended Paston Grammar School in North Walsham between 1768 and 1771. Stephen Fry also attended the school, while Sir Arthur Conan Doyle named North Walsham in two of his works, including The Return of Sherlock Holmes.

Regarding the aforementioned free grammar school, Sir William Paston opened the establishment more than 200 years ago with the aim of "training, instructing and bringing up" children in "good manners, learning and the true fear, service and worship of almighty God". It is not clear whether Sir Paston's mission statement has stood the test of time, but the school building itself remains a notable landmark in North Walsham.

Of course, North Walsham is not all about history life continues to thrive in the town; however, local residents are likely to find greater entertainment outside the parish, with plenty of transport links connecting the town to Norwich. In terms of North Walsham's local environment, Bacton Woods, Pigney's Wood and Sadler's Wood are areas of outstanding natural beauty. The North Walsham & Dilham Canal also serves the area, providing access from a place near Honing and ending at the nearby village of Dilham.

by: Matt Fay

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