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subject: Removing Your Personal Items When Showing A Property For Sale In Turkey [print this page]

Removing Your Personal Items When Showing A Property For Sale In Turkey

Staging refers to paying attention to the decor and details of the home and specifically setting up the home so that it will be more appealing to a potential buyer. If your property for sale in Turkey is staged well, it will look bigger, more attractive, and much more appealing and you will be more likely to sell it at your desired asking price.

A crucial first step when staging your property is to remove all of your personal effects. Why is this so important? Here are a few of the main reasons:

Having many items of personal memorabilia around your property for sale in Turkey such as photos, collectibles, mementoes, and other things will make your home look messy and cluttered. A cluttered home looks smaller and much more appealing to the potential buyer.

When your potential buyer is viewing the property for sale in Turkey, they want to be able to envision themselves living there and enjoying it as their permanent residence or holiday home. If the place is filled with photographs of you and your family it is difficult for the buyer to imagine it as their own.

For this same reason, you also want to avoid turning off anyone who isnt interested in the same hobbies or subjects as you. Perhaps you are interested in the history of the Salem Witch Trials, Voodoo and the occult, but having a shelf full of books on this subject at your house might make the buyer feel uneasy when viewing the home.

The important thing to remember is that as soon as you decide to put up your property for sale in Turkey, it no longer is your holiday home. You need to create an environment that is enticing and attractive to your potential buyer so that they will feel comfortable and want to buy the house and move in!

While staging your home, go through all of the rooms and clear them of your personal belongings. You can store these things in a neat box in the closet or in a storage area for the time being while your property for sale in Turkey is being shown. Take down any photographs of yourself or your family that you might have on display. If you have any artwork on the walls, make sure that it is attractive and appealing to the majority of people, and avoid displaying any artwork that might be offensive to people with sensitive tastes.

In your kitchen, take all personal notes and shopping lists off the refrigerator door. If you have several fridge magnets, remove them because they make the fridge look cluttered and small. In the bathroom, put away your toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and any other personal care items sitting on the counter. Once you think you are done, walk through the property once more and imagine you are seeing it for the first time. Does anything else catch your eye?

Staging your property for sale in Turkey will make the potential buyer feel less like they are snooping in someone elses space, and more like they are walking through their future dream property!

When you are preparing for a showing of your property for sale in Turkey, be sure to remove your personal items so that the buyer can imagine themselves living there.

by: James P Martin

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