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subject: Womens Sober Living By Her Guardian Angel [print this page]

By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacation-less class.( Anne Morrow Lindbergh).

Women are the beauty of life; they are the one who give birth to new life, who gives meanings to life. They are the comfort of a home, strength, the feeling of love, care, and sensitivity are all beautiful attributes of a women.

A woman is the name of sacrifice, but people around them might forget that they too have emotions; they too want the same love, attention and care they give to others. The feeling of left alone, been deprived, unhappiness, divorce, crimes, negative self image, distorted thinking, the discovery that our lives are no longer our own. and an overwhelming feeling that life is "out of balance" takes them towards the addiction. The more we use the drug, the more we get addict to them, then comes a time when things started getting out of our hands, and there comes a time when they need a guardian angel, Her Guardian Angel.

Her Guardian Angel is dedicated to providing a healing sanctuary for Women, who are seeking an Alcohol and Drug free life. Our Holistic approach allows for Self-Discovery thru an Educational process that allows the flower inside to bloom as you move toward a life of freedom, love, joy and gratitude.

The flexibility of Womens Sober Living intensive Outpatient Program allows the individual the appropriate treatment schedule. Womens Sober living house is a place that promotes the sisterhood, this sisterhood helps them to express their feelings with each other, the sharing of thoughts, the freedom to express fully helps them in a unique way in their fights against addiction.

Womens sober living place gives a woman the feeling of trust, confidentiality, respect and compassion. Give them the courage and space to get their stamina"s back. Researches have also shown that the womens sober living brings tremendous and long term affects in a recovery from alcoholism and addiction.

People do wonder about the working of womens sober living environment. Womens sober living facilities are much like a large home or an apartment, where all the residents are females, involves in the recovery paths. The all females residents in womens sober living work together in using their skills learned in treatment to support one an other.

The Womens Sober Living intensive Outpatient Program at Her Guardian Angel gives the clients the opportunity to receive a 90 day treatment versus the typical cost of an inpatient 30 day program. Statistics show that when clients complete a 90 day program they tremendously increase the likelihood of continuous sobriety. Additionally programs working with one particular gender lend themselves more success based upon the fact that the program does not need to be all things to all people. Womens Sober Living believes that Individualized treatment is imperative.

Womens Sober Living strongly support the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is integral to our program. Women are introduced to the 12 steps and AA principles and attend daily meetings. On-site speakers will share their experience, strength and hope of how recovery has transformed their lives. Womens Sober Living at Her Guardian Angel are dedicated to your healing"Call us for a confidential conversation TODAY" 1-888-594-0544




by: womens sober living

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