subject: Chiropractic Adjustments Are Safe For Children - Chiropractic In Nyc [print this page] The back is just another area of a child's body that needs proper care and examination so as to ensure health and proper development. Many wonder whether chiropractic care is safe for their kids. The majority of chiropractors will certainly say "yes". Kids, on the whole, are resilient physically as well as more flexible than adults. They can bump their knee, fall, jump, and run without hardly any repercussions at all. Despite this, if your child complains about pain, make sure to make an appointment and not dismiss it unthinkingly.
Although kids do not sustain back and neck injuries as often as adults, they are certainly able to suffer from muscle strains and vertebral misalignments. The youth of today have far more opportunities for straining their backs, necks, and spines than those of even a couple decades ago. Kids today spend significantly more time sitting at the computer often with poor posture, playing competitive sports, and carrying heavy backpacks. Parents naturally wonder whether chiropractors are a good idea for their kids.
Pursuing treatment for your kid's back is not only completely safe, it is essential. Receiving the appropriate care can prevent kids from experiencing aches and pains that would otherwise inhibit their daily activities. Discomfort can also be caused in kids by other conditions such as allergies and asthma. A practitioner should be chosen who is able to effectively conduct examinations and adjustment as well as make the child as comfortable as possible with the process.
The gentlest and most effective means of treating kids is by using gentle pressure that is applied using only soft hand thrusts and the fingertips. Through spinal examination and the application of targeted gentle pressure, the joints undergo a process called cavitation that relieves joint pressure and revitalizes the surrounding muscles and tissue. After receiving this treatment, the aches and pain will quickly dissipate.
The musculoskeletal system of an adult and child are very different from each other. The body of a child is significantly more flexible and is constantly changing. For these reasons, chiropractic care for children is even more important. With proper instruction, kids can learn at an early age what they need to do to prevent strain in their spines and necks. More problems can develop when kids actively limit their motion due to pain.
Expert care will consist of identifying the problems that need to be corrected. If a child finds himself or herself compensating for pain, many aspects of the child's life can be affected including alignment, posture, and general health. Chiropractors can teach kids to form healthy habits for their back and neck. No medication is required and the treatment is 100% non-invasive.
Healing is often significantly quicker and more successful when the process involves interaction with another human person. With the help of an experienced chiropractor, the child will not only experience less pain but will also be comfortable with the treatment and healing process.
by: Dr. Steven Schram
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