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subject: Holistic Eczema Treatments - 6 Natural Remedies [print this page]

When regular treatments fail to cure eczema, there are a number of alternative treatments that can help eliminate eczema in a matter of days. When used properly, home remedies can cure eczema quickly, often with less side effects.

Taking 30 milligrams of zinc every day is the next natural remedy you can use to treat yourself effectively. The purpose of this zinc remedy is to increase your skin's ability to heal and process fatty acids. Although this is a very effective remedy, you should take copper supplements along with it to avoid copper deficiency.

Diet changes are extremely important with home remedies. Begin by eliminating the food that is responsible for causing the outbreaks of your condition. If you are unfamiliar with what food to eliminate from your diet; you can visit a dietician or pick up a book on eczema diets. Some of the foods that can cause outbreaks are milk, shellfish, oranges and peanuts and etc. If you can avoid these foods you may notice a huge difference in the way your skin feels

Applying extracts of blueberry leaves is among the most effective of all natural remedies for eczema. The leaves are known to contain an acid that helps in reducing skin inflammation.

Diet: I experimented a lot with different diets, and I realized that some foods made my eczema condition worse, while other foods seemed to have a calming effect on my eczema rash outbreaks.

Oatmeal - Used in a variety of home remedies, oatmeal can help relieve intense itching that is caused by eczema. Works best when raw oatmeal flakes are mixed with bath water. Soak your body in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes for maximum results. Applying cool and wet compresses over the affected area helps in alleviating the itching and other uncomfortable symptoms. Scratching is also one thing which can turn out to be the worst thing you could do in an eczema. It is however, difficult to help yourself from itching. So, apply an anti-itch cream or calamine lotion to the affected area and keep it covered with a a sterile bandage or dressing. It is also advisable to keep the nails trimmed and hands covered, while sleeping at night.

Coconut Oil:This oil has good healing properties that helps to get rid of eczema fast and it keeps the skin looking soft, by retaining the original natural condition of the skin. When you are suffering from a very itchy eczema rash, you should first and foremost avoid scratching. I know it is very difficult to stop yourself from scratching or stop a child suffering from itchy eczema from doing so, but you need to do so. You can apply some Benadryl to help control the irritability and itchy feeling. You can apply a damp dressings to control severe itching.

by: Charles Zoe

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