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subject: Minimize The Force, Reduce The Pain- Dental Devices For Bruxism [print this page]

Bruxism is both a medical and dental condition characterized by clenching or gnashing of the teeth, usually occurring involuntarily during sleep. While occasional teeth grinding is usually not an issue, when grinding becomes a routine habit, health problems and damage to your tooth structures can occur.

Jaw discomfort, headaches, shoulder pain, neck pain and earaches often accompany routine teeth clenching. Continual grinding can even lead to a more serious condition known as TMJ (temporomandibular) disorder, a misalignment of the joints which causes migraines and other painful symptoms. Additionally, dental damage associated with teeth grinding can include chipped enamel, flattened teeth, loosened teeth and cracked teeth.

Fortunately, with the help of your dentist in Lauderhill, you can reduce your grinding behavior to relieve painful symptoms and reduce dental damage. One treatment, the NTI dental appliance, is proving to be a highly effective treatment option for sufferers of bruxism.

NTI Appliance: Anti-clenching Night Guards for Bruxers

A breakthrough treatment for teeth grinding, the NTI appliance is helping many bruxers solve their teeth grinding problems. NTI stands for Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition, and is FDA approved for migraine treatment. This device is custom made to fit each person's unique bit, and works by activating a nerve reflex that reduces muscle tension and keeps your back teeth from touching during sleep. As the tension from clenching is suppressed, migraines, dental damage and other symptoms are diminished.

The NTI appliance features a snap-in fit, which comfortably and securely stays in the patient's mouth during sleep. Other types of dental guards are also effective for reducing bruxism. Your dentist will help you determine the best oral appliance for your specific needs and your best outcome.

Suspect Bruxism?

Most cases of grinding occur during sleep, so many people with bruxism are unaware that they even have a clenching problem. Symptoms of bruxism will vary for every person. Persistent headaches, jaw pain or unexplained tooth wear are good indicators that you may have bruxism.

If you suspect that you grind your teeth, visit your Lauderhill dentist. Your dentist can easily detect bruxism by examining your mouth and jaw for abnormalities. If you are a bruxer, your dentist can help you determine an appropriate treatment plan ranging from stress management to night guards and dental procedures to relieve symptoms and repair any damage caused by the gnashing behavior.

Ask your dentist about the NTI appliance and other dental night guards for successful treatment of bruxism. It may give you the relief you've been looking for and save your teeth from extensive damage. It is important to visit your dentist if you break a tooth, lose a filling, or notice your teeth are becoming worse. The earlier bruxism is identified, the better it will be in treating the symptoms. Consult your dentist for more information on bruxism and how you can further prevent teeth grinding.

by: Gen Wright

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