subject: New Approaches To Dental Procedures Address Odontophobia [print this page] Odontophobia is the fear of dental proceduresOdontophobia is the fear of dental procedures. Many people in the US have this fear due to traumatic, painful, or difficult experiences in the past. Thanks to the painless laser dentistry Chicago dentists and those from other areas practice, many people are no longer reluctant to undergo different dental procedures.
Almost half of the American population has odontophobia. These people refuse to seek dental care out of fear, thereby jeopardizing their dental health. Unfortunately, they are risking an essential part of their body.
One major factor in odontophobia is pain. People who are traumatized with dental procedures may have undergone painful experiences. However, with modern technology and emerging approaches to dentistry, odontophobia will soon be history. Pain is minimized or eliminated with the help of modern dental procedures.
Another factor in dental fear is the fear itself. While most people have experienced difficulties in dental procedures such as tooth extractions, root canal procedures, and such, others would have the same amount of dental fear due to the mere thought of such processes. This sort of intimidation is brought about by other peoples experiences and even by television shows and movies. However, not all dental procedures involve pain. Cosmetic dentistry involves teeth whitening Chicago dentists performa procedure that is in fact, painless.
To help in identifying those who are experiencing odontophobia, it is essential to know the symptoms of the said condition. Here are some of them.
Difficulty to sleep the night before the dental appointment - A person with dental fear may not be able to sleep before the procedure.
Feeling of uneasiness outside the dental office - As the dental appointment approaches, a person with odontophobia may feel more uneasy and nervous.
Nervousness after being informed of the dental procedure that needs to be done A person suffering from dental anxiety normally becomes nervous when the details of the procedure are discussed.
Trembling feeling resulting from the sight of dental objects - When inside the dental office, a person with odontophobia may feel more nervous and cold with the sight of toolssomewhat causing him/her to feel the pain of the procedure.
As modernization paves the way for countless innovations, the 21st century gives dentistry more opportunities to clear its name from having a frightful reputation that has been in existence for a very long time. With more technological innovations, pain is minimized or eliminated from many dental procedures such as in the installation of porcelain veneers Chicago patients prefer. Given this, people can cast away their dental fear for modern dentistry now offers painless procedures.
by: Joel Jackson
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