subject: The Modern Approach To Alleviating Fear Of The Dental Drill [print this page] Odontophobia is the fear of being treated by dental procedures, and it is a major problem among dentists especially in the United States. Nearly half of the American population fears getting teeth treated mainly because of possible episodes of pain. But with procedures such as painless laser dentistry Chicago dentists offer, many people are no longer reluctant to undergo different dental procedures.
Dentists and patients alike are no longer strangers to odontophobiait has become a common phenomenon witnessed in dentistry. However, the long-term effects of fearing the dentist and his/her wide array of treatments may be as serious as prolonged tooth decay. Episodes of odontophobia can become dental risks if the person does not learn the regular habit of visiting the dentist.
For many people, pain is the number one reason for not going to the dentist. In this case, those people may have been subjected to dental treatment before, resulting in being traumatized by the experience. Contemporary discoveries and techniques in dentistry may put an end to the issue of dental fear once and for all. Modern technology makes it possible for dentists to make their treatments as painless as possible.
The process of a certain dental procedure may contribute in instilling dental fear. Although dentists are skilled in handling procedures safely, patients sometimes believe strongly in the margin of error. This kind of fear may have been enhanced by TV ads or programs seemingly depicting the procedures as painful. Contrary to popular belief, some dentistry procedures including teeth whitening Chicago dentists perform are naturally painless.
Health experts identify the visible symptoms of a person with odontophobia. To start with, a person may experience difficulty in sleeping prior to his/her appointment because s/he does not know what to expect. The person may also feel nervous during the appointment mainly when waiting for his/her turn or being informed about the procedure. In other words, the odontophobic senses fear whenever s/he looks at anything in the dentists office.
Modern technology gives dentistry a chance to clear its name as being painful by creating safer and gentler tools. With technological innovations, episodes of pain can be alleviated from many dental procedures such as in the installation of porcelain veneers Chicago patients prefer. Given the painless nature of modern dentistry, it may be only a matter of time before every individual with odontophobia starts visiting his/her friendly dentist regularly, eliminating the fear overall.
by: Joel Jackson
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