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subject: My personal journey part 1: The story of beautiful and tragic beginnings [print this page]

My personal journey part 1: The story of beautiful and tragic beginnings.

This blog is inspired by Suzanne Vara and her blog post for today called Unleashing The Rudy Within Us. She is an avid blogger and a very dear friend. She inspires me in so many ways! We have talked endlessly about blogging and the need to keep your various social media profiles up to date and top ranked. I know these things but seem to get lax in my efforts. Her article today once again reminded me that only the strong and very persistent will survive in this economy.

So, as I sit here, unemployed, looking for the right job, watching the news, tinkering on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google all at the same time, I realized that I need to get down to business. So, thank you Suz, again, for inspiring me, cheering me on, and being a constant reminder that true friends are always there, pushing you to do better and celebrating your every effort!

I had a whole outline of what I was going to write about. The "plan" was to discuss unemployment nationally and personally. The problem has been, every time I sit down to start writing, I get frustrated. Why? Because there are so many different versions of what I was going to write that it just seems like I'll be regurgitating what is already out there. You don't need stats and advice. You certainly don't need to hear any more about how to use LinkedIn to market yourself. It has been done, repeatedly!

During my quest to narrow down what I should write about, the same theme kept coming up; my journey being unemployed (more specifically laid off), finding a new job (some better fits than others including running my own businesses), and relocating multiple times to better my life and opportunities.

Let's start at the beginning of my career. I was a student at Cal State Fullerton in the School of Communications majoring in PR with a minor in sociology. During my "senior year" I was loving it and was looking for my first job. Not only did I have an internship I needed to fulfill but I also wanted to get rolling on my career. I was on a self imposed fast track and was super eager to learn as much as I could and to get going, NOW. Part of this was because I was an older student, 29 and was graduating at 30. The journey to this point is a whole other story I may tell later. Anyway, I found an opportunity at The Identity Group, a boutique healthcare agency in Tustin, California.

What a great job! Linda Kaplan, who now runs her own agency, Kaplan Communications Group, was the Account Manager and turned into my mentor. She allowed me to actually learn! She taught me management of budgets, schedules, and client expectations. To this day, she was the best thing that happened for my career. Jeff Merkow, the president, showed me what it means to be a positive leader. After a little over a year, graduating and being a bit cocky, I resigned my position there and tried something new.

I started working in a sales/marketing position with Stuart Schwab at Again, I was learning and doing because of the great support I had. One thing I learned there, beside the fact that Stewart is amazing at what he does, is that I can not stand sales. I can go into a meeting and tell you exactly why a particular program is great for you. But the second I am told, no thank you, I'm done. Get me in the right situation with a prospective client that understands what I have to offer and I am good to go. I learned how to get meetings with bribery (mostly homemade cookies), and persistence. I did well and was proud of myself even though I knew it wasn't my dream job.

Then, the United States was shocked and stunned when we were attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001. I remember being woken up by a call from my friend Erin Fors, who called from San Francisco, to tell me to turn on the TV. I was shocked and stunned and have never been so scared in my life. My security had been shattered. The loss of life devastated me. I am one of those people that feel so deeply for the loss of another person, if I knew them or not.

The recovery for me took some time. I did go back to work but found that the bribery of the past few months no longer worked. The economy was falling into the unknown and not one company wanted to discuss marketing.

I was hit for the first time with the reality that, my job was not safe, my career not all that stable, and held onto the hope that it would all get better soon. I started looking for a regular account service position again. I had easily soured on sales and knew my best bet was a regular position with another agency. I lived in Orange County, near Irvine, the newest hub of marketing and communications. Things were going to be fine. I had a degree and work experience. I had been a member of OC/IABC for years, started the CSUF/IABC chapter, had great connections in my industry and a reputation for being a ambitious young professional.

Then it all started, my friends and connections built over years through hardcore networking, started losing their jobs. Not only could they not help me find a position, but they themselves were now my competition.

What is a new grad with only 2 years work experience in a down economy supposed to do?

Hmmmmmove to Las Vegas!

That part of my story next!

My personal journey part 1: The story of beautiful and tragic beginnings

By: Lucinda DeVries

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