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Dog Skin Allergies 101

Dog skin allergies exist in many different types. When treating your dog, it is best to identify first how the allergy came to be before you try self-medicating them. Allergies are caused by allergens which can come in different forms and types. You might even discover that a little more cleanliness in the home might be all it takes to fix allergy problems with your pet.

Allergies are pretty easy to note so you should always observe if your dog is already showing any signs of it. Aside from preventing the situation from becoming worse, you can also prevent any possible allergens to be passed on to you when you handle your dog. Dogs who scratch way too much and too often might already be showing allergic symptoms.

Food is a known source of dog skin allergies. Typically, dogs who are stricken with a food allergy would be scratching like mad. But on top of that, they would also be showing some gastrointestinal problems which might lead to vomiting and even experiencing diarrhea.

Another known dog allergy is caused by fleas. Fleas can easily multiply because a female flea is able to lay 600 eggs at once. It's not the flea itself that causes the allergy but it's their bite that does. The saliva can cause irritation once it reaches the skin in every bite. A flea infestation can also pass on to humans so you need to counter this urgently.
Dog Skin Allergies 101

Allergies that are caused by inhaling of allergens is also known as atopy. It can be a bit more challenging to fix this problem given that there are different types of allergens, even unlikely ones, which can possibly affect your pet. With this, you need to start by eliminating the current things that you have newly added in the home which you suspect would have been the cause.

Treatment applied to dog skin allergies varies so it would be best to consult your veterinarian regarding this. You shouldn't start with self-medicating procedures if you are not yet sure about how it will affect your dog. Usually, antihistamines as well as steroids would be prescribed for your dog but you need to follow the instructions carefully.

Aside from relying on medications, you should also help your dog build a stronger immune system. You can do this by providing him with good meals preferably rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This way you can be sure that he would be having supplements that are giving him backup against allergens.

In the end, remember that a clean home is also your best weapon against dog skin allergies. It would also provide better health assurance for your family members.

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