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Revealed Most Effective Beauty Tips In Hindi

For making sure that one looks the best and her beauty regime is followed, there are several beauty tips that can help. Even people who are very beautiful can have a bad skin, makeup or bad hair. For people, who cannot understand English, Beauty tips in Hindi are available. This tips are from hair stylists, makeup artists and skin care experts.

1. Eye shadow

While a woman chooses an eye-shadow, she should go for such shades that will suit the natural color of the eye. It Is very essential to choose shades that are dramatically opposite to the color of the eye in color wheels. People who have blue eyes must go for warm browns and soft peaches. People who have grey eyes must go for cool browns and purples. People with green eyes must increase the prominence with golden browns, deep peaches and deep purples.

2. Lipsticks

One of the fantastic beauty tips for thin lips is the use of a light colored lipstick. People who have fuller lips can use both, light and dark shades of lipstick. For starting, the lips must be filled with natural toned lip pencil. Then a concealer must be applied in small amounts on the top and bottom lips. Thus, the lips will look very light after the application of lipsticks. It gives a pouty and a fuller look. For completing the look, a dash of light, shimmery lip gloss should be applied.

3. Hair care

Shampooing is very important for keeping the hair in a perfect condition. The health and shine of the hair is greatly dependant on the natural oils of the hair. Before putting the shampoo, the hair must be drenched thoroughly. Shampoo should be very well rubbed on the scalp as well. this will not make the ends dry. The coldest water should be used for rinsing the shampoo as shinier hair is produced.

4. Skin care

A hydrating face mast must be used by women, once a week. For drawing the moisture of the skin, a face mask that has hyaluronic acid must be used. Facial should be done by women who are above 40 years of age. This is because, there is a slow down of the oil production. Blocked pores are not a problem

Thus one should follow these beauty tips and for people who have a difficulty in English, beauty tips in Hindi must be followed.

by: Rinki Rawat

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