subject: Online Christmas Presents [print this page] Anyone that has a smart phone or an iPhone or knows someone who has one knows very well that these appliances are really important in everyday life and how they actually facilitate our life and how they really can change it.
Who would have thought about such a wide and fast expansion of the world wide web phenomenon? Who would have thought that in the future it would have been possible to buy online cinema tickets, foreign books coming from the other side of the world, kitchens, CDs or that someone would even have dealt with online clothes selling?
A recent survey commissioned by EBay from the School of management of the Milan Polytechnic and from TNS International revealed that the online shopping is increasing especially in Italy; Italian people say they prefer buying online birthday presents, CDs, books but also electronic appliances, when there is a saving. In particular for Christmas Time, seems that the web would be the main purchasing channel of Italian people: 61% of interviewed will start thinking about presents just in December an d 18% will wait until the lasts days.
EBay underlined how Italy, in comparison to other European Countries, is one of the ones that buy their Christmas presents in dates nearer to the 25th of December, despite the fact that online you can find a lot of convenient offers also in November; on the website the peak of online purchasing via mobile phone will be the 12 of December, while via pc it will be the 19 December. To make a comparison the peak of online purchasing in Germany will be registered the 4th of December, in Spain the 7th of December, for French people will be the 11th of December while the most provident seems to be the Irish people, that will begin the 29th of November.
The presents preferred by Italian people for this Christmas 2011 seems to be the evergreen ones: first trips (23%), then clothes and shoes (13%), while on the last level of the podium there are clocks and jewels (9%).
Among the seven million of people that for Christmas will use the web to choose the presents for their relatives and friends, there is also someone who will use the web to choose the present he/she wants for him/herself, like children and teenagers who, more than to fashion, think about toys. Guys have become omnivorous consumers of the informatics knowledge: as the survey Childhood and ordinary life 2011 made by Istat shows, from 200 to 2011 in the range of age from 11 to 17 years the percentage of children that use the mobile phone (often smart phones) increased from 55.6% to 92.7% while the most shocking increase have been registered in the bracket from 11 to 13 years, from 35.2% to 86.2%. In 2011 67.3% of children and guys 6-17 years use the mobile phones and 56.4% owns one, it is not weird then that today children, instead of writing letters to Santa Claus, seat at their desks and with their laptop send an e-mail to him.
Article written by Serena Rigato
by: Serena Rigato
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