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How To Start To Send Sms Online?

SMS or PC text messages appeal is the process of send sms online from a mobile phone. The latest mobile phones are capable of sending up to 20 pages containing 160 characters. These messages are called desktop SMS or PC text messages.

Text messaging uses SMS via Internet to connect any phone via SMS to IM Internet services available in all PDAs, and any landlines. Some devices with Blue tooth devices can connect to a mobile phone as a modem to send sms from web and sms from computer via wireless networks. Are widely used SMS to GSM or GSM.

In principle, the text provides a way to send SMS from PC to one person to another, regardless of where they are, as long as there is signal coverage by operators. This service is also used in automated systems designed primarily for the purchase of products and services from a mobile phone. Text messaging is also widely used in many competitions.

For some companies, the first text message was sent in 1989, Edward Lantz is a former employee of NASA. SMS sent via the buzzer Motorola. The message consists of numbers, which is read upside down to read the message.

3. Text messages in December 1992 before the United Kingdom was used in an advert is being sent to Vodafone GSM network. Neil Papworth sent the SMS to be used with a desktop computer. SMS the word Merry Christmas, Richard Jarvis of Vodafone sent via the mobile device model Orbitel 901 GSM systems, the first text message sent to your phone using the Nokia engineering student, Riku Pihkonen.

Initially, the popularity of SMS messages received, as soon as it is designed primarily for the hearing impaired. Since 1995, only a few have been sent a text message. But in 2000, has been a gradual increase in the use of SMS.

As the text developed, more and more people moved to SMS as the cheapest form of communication. Based on statistics, Finland, Norway and Sweden is 72% of the population use SMS. Europe and North America is over 85% of users via SMS.

Among Asian countries, the Philippines has the largest population of mobile subscribers using SMS as a means of communication. An average of 20 text messages sent each day by a subscriber. For this reason, the Philippines was considered the capital of the world text. In 2007 alone, there are people who are subscribers of mobile phones 42.70000000.

According to the Global Messaging, a survey conducted by Nokia, the SMS service has proven to be addictive activity. This was reaffirmed at the University of Queensland study, based in Australia.

It is interesting to note that text messaging has led to a Lingo text. The abbreviations of words designed to save space character, and because the charges the entire word is more boring. Another reason is that most cell phones do not have the QWERTY keyboard of personal computers.

by: Enrik Bakermans

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