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subject: Breast Reconstruction - When Is The Time Right? [print this page]

Breast Reconstruction - When Is The Time Right?

Women who have had an injury to their breasts or have had a mastectomy as they fight cancer often wish for breast reconstruction surgery to help them get their feminine form back. This is a very valuable procedure the plastic surgery field offers, but timing the surgery is important to get the most possible benefit and the best results.

First, it is important to realize that each woman and each case is going to be different, so the perfect time for the procedure is not always cut and dried and will vary from one woman to the next. Circumstances like emotional health, follow up treatments, and the extent of the injury can all play a role. That is why it is so vital for women considering this plastic surgery option to talk to a surgeon before they have a mastectomy or soon after their injury.

For most women who have a mastectomy, the best time to have breast reconstruction done is the same day as the surgery or a few days later. After a week or two, the body begins to heal, and opening it up and performing another procedure can have a great impact on the healing process. Also, doing both surgeries at the same time cuts down on the length of time the woman has to be away from her normal activities.

However, if it is not possible to have the procedure at the same time as the mastectomy, the woman should plan to wait about six months. This gives the body enough time to heal from the first procedure and be ready to accept the implants and other aspects of the second procedure.

One complication to breast reconstruction for cancer patients is radiation therapy. Radiation therapy can make it very difficult to have the procedure done. For this reason, the earlier you have your procedure, the better the results will be, if you are going to have radiation as part of your treatment plan.

The good news for women considering this surgery is that insurance companies are required by federal law to cover it, in most instances. So, if deductibles have been met at the prior surgery, women can often have this cosmetic one with little to no cost. However, this may affect the timing of her surgery. Some insurance plans will renew the deductible at the end of the year or the fiscal year. So, scheduling a surgery before this happens can be valuable to a woman who is recovering from a mastectomy.

As you can see, the timing of breast reconstruction surgery will vary, but is often best either right away or after six months post surgery. Before you have your mastectomy, talk to a plastic surgeon about your reconstructive surgery. This will ensure that you get both scheduled at a time when they will work well, and you can move on with your life after cancer. With the help of a plastic surgeon and your oncologist, you can be cancer-free and still look great!

by: Abigail Aaronson

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