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Inexpensive Wedding Venues In Yorkshire

If you are a bride or a groom on a small budget, then you may have suffered shocks while hearing the location rental charges and catering prices. And, you must be wandering some good inexpensive Wedding Venues Yorkshire. Dont you? Well, you need not to worry. If there is a problem, there must be a solution. And, yes there are several inexpensive Wedding Venues Yorkshire, you only need to keep your eyes open and be a little more creative. Below are some options you may like to try so as to save some more bucks for that fabulous wedding dress.

Have you thought about restaurants as your wedding venues Yorkshire?

Well, if you havent thought this before, try it now. Talk with your favorite restaurants. How much they charge for a private room or for the entire place? Do they organize weddings as well? Believe it or not, restaurants are pretty cheap when compared to those popular wedding destinations.

Parks are there

Look for city parks. There are many which allow wedding processes for a nominal fee.

Be Creative

Think about the place where you two met for the first time. May be some other very unique place where you used to meet. Well, you need to put into a little of creativity and you can turn up any of these places as your wedding venues Yorkshire. Your wedding is going to be different. Quite different!

The Bridge

The Bridge, located at Wetherby in Yorkshire, is a wonderful option for a wedding venue. There is everything that you want from an ideal wedding venue.

Some of the delicious food, you and your can enjoy here, include:


1. Trio of melon, raspberry coulis & Champagne Sorvet

2. Warm crispy Masham bacon & chorizo salad with mild sweet chilli dressing

3. Home made Thai prawn spring roll, lemongrass & coriander dressing

From the Carvery:

1. Traditional roast turkey, home-made chestnut & herb stuffing, bacon rolls & pan gravy

2. Roast beef with a mild horseradish crust, Yorkshire Puddings & rich Burgundy jus

3. Herb-buttered new & garlic-roasted potatoes


1. Rum & double cream Christmas pudding

2. Warm chocolate fondue, dipping fruits, and vanilla pod ice-cream

3. British Cheese platter, Bridge tangy chutney & water biscuits

Last but not the least, its your wedding. A once in a lifetime celebration, so make the most of it! Dont strain yourself while finding some good yet cheap Wedding Venues Yorkshire. Instead, enjoy every moment of planning your wedding. And if possible, hire a wedding planner so that your guests could see the best of you at your wedding. Wish you a happy wedding!

The Bridge is the perfect wedding venue for your perfect day. We ensure the best for your wedding day. Whether you wish to book a Pre-Christmas Lunch, dance the night away or treat the family to a delicious Christmas Lunch, you can be sure of a warm welcome at the Bridge. Call to make your reservation or for more information on any of our events. Visit our website for all the details on Wedding Venues Yorkshire.

by: Jacob Watson

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